How To Scan & Attach Documents to a Customer’s Vault Account
1 Enter your Username & Password > Sign In
2 Click on “Manage Individuals” & Assist an Individual.
3 Search for the customer or, if the customer is present and has their Scan Card, you can click on the “Scan Card ID:” and scan their card to locate the customer.
4 Click on “User Name” to Manage the clients account.
5 When the client account is in view, Click on “Documents Available”.
6 If the customer does not yet have a Vault account you will need to create the Vault Account before adding documents to their Vault account. Complete the SSN, First Name, and Last Name fields and select “Add Client”. NOTE: Be sure you enter the customer’s SSN and Name exactly as reflected in SacWorks or you will not be able to view the customers documents. If you need assistance with a customer’s Vault account please contact SacWorksSupport for assistance
7 Click on “Add a Document”, this will launch The VAULT. NOTE: documents scanned and saved to your computer can also be attached to a customer’s Vault account through
8 In the vault view we should see the clients name at the top. NOTE: if attaching scanned documents directly through see Slide 15.
9 Check mark those documents that you will be scanning. Then click on “Continue”.
10 Click on “Scan”
11 It will automatically default to the scanner you will be using. Note* if for some reason you receive an error “twain…” that means that the scanner is not linking to your SacWork online log in. You will need to contact your IT desktop support.
12 This shows the scan in progress.
13 This view shows the scanned docs. Click on “Save to Vault”
14 Once the doc is scanned to The VAULT, a preview of all scanned docs under this clients name will appear. Note* Older versions of the same scanned document should not be removed from Vault as they reflect prior customer eligibility to receive services.
15 If attaching scanned documents directly through select the appropriate document type the select “Attach File” (1) and choose “Browse” (2) to locate document to attach. Once located you will see the document name in the “File to Attach” box. Choose “Save to Vault” (3)
16 Attaching is complete and we are now back in Managing the client…If the client did not bring in all the RTW docs, we can go in as many times as we need to add more docs. Note* Remember ALL relevant documents should be scanned into Vault before providing services to the customer. Also, remember to “Release Individual” after you have completed work on their Vault/SacWorks account.