May 2, 2013 BMCW All Staff Meeting
Step 1: Push the Scanner button on the Multi- Function device of your choice
Step 2: Choose BMCW [00003]
Step 3: Click on Send File Type/Name
Step 4: Click File Name
Step 5: Name the file based on the document that is being scanned and click OK.
Step 6: Click OK and then hit the START button
Step 7: Your scanned document will be saved in the Scan file located in the S: drive. Open and review the document to ensure that the entire document has been scanned in.
Step 8: Click the Case Work icon on your eWiSACIWS home page.
Step 9: Choose a case and participant. Then click on the Imaging Icon.
Step 10: Based on the type of document that you are imaging, choose one of the following.
Step 11: Complete the date that the document was created and fill in the date that it is effective to if applicable. Select the Type of document that is being imaged into the file. Click on the Browse button.
Step 12: Click on the file that was scanned in. Click Open.
Step 13: Add any comments that are appropriate. Click Save and Close.
Step 15: Go back into S: Scan file and delete the document that you scanned in.
Thank you for your time and attention.