NY StateWide Senior Action Council Improving the lives of Senior Citizens and Families in NYS Maria Alvarez, Executive Director
Overview New York StateWide Senior Action Council is a grassroots membership organization made up of individual senior citizens and senior citizen clubs, and organizations from all parts of New York State. StateWide was organized in 1972 from War on Poverty funds with the goal of developing a statewide organization of older New Yorkers who could advocate for their interests and needs regarding services, programs and policies affecting older persons. StateWide is the only state-wide organization in New York State that advocates for seniors on a grassroots level.
Overview Each Chapter is formed and run by seniorleaderswhoalsoserveas volunteers and advocates in their respective communities and who come together as a group several times per year in order to set their agenda and advocate as a group with their elected officials. In order to address the growing senior population in NYS, the Board of Directors voted to institute a county-by- county chapter system, and extended membership to NY residents who are 18 years of age and over.
Overview Consumer Based / Oriented Patient’s Bill ofRights Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage Supplemental Security Income NYS Observation Status Law
Patients Rights Helpline – toll free number to assist hospitalized and institutionalized patients and their families with their rights MCCAP (Medicare Community Counseling and Assistance Program) – To inform, educate and assist seniors and their families in making the best and most informed decisions regarding their healthcare in NYS Programs
Board ofDirectors Consumer Board (all 55+) Representative of the chapters 30 Total
StateWide’s Features
NYS Elder Economic Security Index As part of a national initiative with the Wider Opportunities for Women and the Gerontology Institute of the University of Massachusetts, StateWide is the leading agency in New York State for the Elderly Economic Security Index. We have analyzed the expenses which a senior incurs on a monthly basis and we have calculated the average cost of living county by county w hether you are single or a couple and whether you are a renter, you have a mortgage or own your home outright.”
NY State – Elder Index Result 2014 Elder Person (age 65+)Elder Couple (both age 65+) Monthly CostsOwner, no mortgag e Renter, 1 bedroom Owner with mortgage Owner, no mortgage Renter, 1 bedroom Owner with mortgage Housing*$748$1,115$1,853$748$1,115$1,853 Food$252 $463 Transportation$213 $331 Health Care (Good)$398 $796 Miscellaneous$322 $468 Elder Index per month $1,933$2,300$3,038$2,806$3,173$3,911 Elder Index per year$23,196$27,600$36,456$33,672$38,076$46,932 *includes utilities, taxes and insurance Source: WOW Economic Security Database 9
Activities Advocacy – StateWide has a Bill Tracker that follows the legislation affecting senior citizens.This helps our membership conduct advocacy and inform others about issues important to them.
Activities Advocacy Day – We join with other organizations and visit legislators in their district offices as well as in our state capital, Albany to effect positive change in the state budget.
Activities During the year, our members keep in touch via: monthly update calls webinars (teach-ins) monthly chapter meetings committee work, etc… This keeps our advocacy actions fluid and in “real time”.
Activities Annual Convention – Each year we hold an annual convention where members from all ofthe chapters gather to hear presentations from experts in different fields and to vote on the legislative priorities for the following year.
StateWide’s Advocacy Focus Includes: Protecting Social Security and ensuring adequate incomes for seniors. Improving Medicare & Medicaid, access to affordable prescription drugs, patient’s rights, quality of care and universal health care for all. Meeting long-term care needs.
StateWide’s Advocacy Focus Includes: Expanding community services for seniors and persons with disabilities, including affordable housing and transportation. Strengthening consumer protections.
StateWide’s Advocacy Focus Includes: Rights & Protection for Hospital patients of all ages. A new benchmark – the Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index (Elder Index) that provides a realistic view ofthe income older adults need to make ends meet and remain in their own homes. Restored budget funding for Congregate Services Initiatives - $5 million in FY
Join StateWide Today! By joining StateWide, you will have an impact on state and federal issues that are important to older New Yorkers such as: Medicare Social Security Prescription Drugs Patient’s Rights, Long-term care Budget Issues…and more!
Your StateWide Membership Access to an active network ofdedicated people including local senior organizational members. Representation at the State Legislature and agencies in Albany. The NY StateWide Bill Tracker that keeps tabs on pending legislation that impacts seniors.
Your StateWide Membership Subscriptions to our newsletter, Senior Action, and our weekly On-Line News with up to date information on health and consumer issues at the local, state and national levels. Invitation to our Annual Convention featuring workshops on important senior issues and presentations from key public officials, policy experts and grassroots advocacy leaders.
Final Thoughts Get Involved in our local Chapters Begin a Local Chapter in Your Area Join our Monthly Telephone teach-Ins Come to Convention! Oct , 2014 in Saratoga Springs!
María Alvarez Executive Director New York StateWide Senior Action Council, Inc. 275 State Street Albany, NY – Thank You!