2011 Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Training January 19, 20, 26, 27 Presented by Cedric Latreille & Matt Stewart
Objective of PFT Training Test Site Coordinators (TSC) and Test Examiners: will be knowledgeable of state and district policies regarding the PFT in order to ensure proper administration and scoring of the assessments
Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities Attend training Train test examiners Receive Fitnessgram Kits (includes manual) Ensure that every grade 5, 7, and 9 student is tested Coordinate the testing of students not enrolled in a PE class Ensure all test results are entered in the FG9
Test Examiner Responsibilities Attend training Test every grade 5, 7, and 9 student Enter test results into the FG9
What’s New New Aerobic Capacity Standards: Use of VO2max values Updated Healthy Fitness Zones NI – Needs Improvement Very Lean Fitnessgram 9: Web-based and accessible from any computer with internet access http://fg9.wccusd.net/fitnessgram9district/login.aspx
The Fitnessgram® Is designated as the Physical Fitness Test Students are assessed in six fitness areas: Aerobic Capacity Body Composition Abdominal Strength Trunk Extension Strength Upper Body Strength Overall Flexibility Scored using criterion-referenced standards
Testing Window Testing Window: Make-ups: Scores in FG9 by: Monday, March 14 to Friday, March 25 Make-ups: Monday, March 28 to Friday, April 1 Scores in FG9 by: Friday, April 1 Conditioning Window: Monday, January 24 to Friday, March 11
Who to Test? All grade 5, 7, and 9 students, including: Students not enrolled in P.E. class Students on a block schedule No opt-out provision Students with medical issues are to be given as much of the test as conditions permit IEP determines how Students with Disabilities (SWDs) will participate
Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZ) Revised standards reflect levels of fitness and body composition that provide protection against health risks associated with obesity or inadequate fitness Use of Common Health Indicator: Metabolic Syndrome is a group of risk factors that collectively promote the development of cardiovascular disease and increases the risk of diabetes: high fasting glucose high waist circumference high triglycerides low high density lipoprotein cholesterol and high blood pressure
Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZ) Performance goal for all test areas is the HFZ Age and gender specific Aerobic Capacity factors in Body Composition Needs Improvement (NI) Standards Some Risk – potential for future health risks is possible High Risk – potential for future health risks is probable Very Lean Standard May not be best for health. Factors responsible should be considered – naturally lean or inappropriate nutrition? Upper limits of the HFZ range were removed
Partially Tested Students Untested fitness area(s) are counted as not being in the HFZ The California Department of Education (CDE) reports PFT data as “% In HFZ” and “% Not In HFZ”
# of PFT Areas Meeting the HFZ 2007-10 PFT Results Percent of Students Meeting at Least 5 of 6 Fitness Standards # of PFT Areas Meeting the HFZ Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 9 2007 48.1 41.8 42.6 2008 50.7 43.5 52.6 2009 50.4 50.1 61.1 2010 Delayed Difference
Six Fitness Areas Fitness Area Assessment Aerobic Capacity 15-Meter PACER or 20-Meter PACER or One-Mile Run Body Composition Body Mass Index (height & weight) or Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer Abdominal Strength Curl-Up Trunk Extension Strength Trunk Lift Upper Body Strength Push-Up or Modified Pull-Up or Flexed Arm Hang Overall Flexibility Shoulder Stretch or Sit & Reach
Additional Assessment Info Do not use skin calipers to determine body composition Liability issue Inaccurate unless properly trained Elementary schools should use the PACER More positive experience for the students Accurately measured course issue is avoided
New Aerobic Capacity Standards Use of VO2max values VO2max - maximum capacity of an individual’s body to transport and use oxygen during incremental exercise Calculated using PACER laps or mile-run time and BMI No change in administration, but students can no longer pre-determine PACER laps or mile run needed Lookup Tables for estimates: http://www.cooperinstitute.org/ourkidshealth/fitnessgram/hfz-tables.cfm
Equipment Needed to Administer the PFT Assessment Equipment Needed 15 or 20 Meter PACER CD Player, PACER CD, Chalk One-Mile Run Stopwatch, Measured Course Body Mass Index Scale, Tape Measure Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer (BIA) BIA device Curl-Up Gym Mat, Measuring Strip Trunk Lift Gym Mat, 12” Ruler Push-Up None Required Modified Pull-Up Pull-Up Stand, Elastic Band Flexed Arm Hang Horizontal Bar Shoulder Stretch Sit and Reach 12” High Box, Yardstick
Cadences CD Cadences CD is included with the Fitnessgram Manual and contains: PACER 15-Meter Test with music (track 1) PACER 20-Meter Test with music (track 2) Curl-Up Cadence (track 3) Push-Up Cadence (track 4)
Important Assessment Information Aerobic Capacity: Mile Run must be below 13:00 for VO2max to be calculated Trunk Lift: Limit to 12” to discourage hyperextension Sit and Reach: Limit to 12” to discourage hypermobility
FG9 Software District: Teacher/School: Update before testing window opens: Students & demographics Teachers Classes Teacher/School: Enter PFT scores Enter “Exemption Code” – reason for student with missing data
FG9 Software Entering PFT scores #1. Click on FITNESSGRAM #2. Select the Class associated with “CA PFT 2011” #3. Click on “Scores” #4. Enter data and click “Save” #3 #1 #2
FG9 Software Entering PFT scores #4 #5 #5. Click on “Print Report” to print score sheets for use during testing
FG9 Software To specify reason for student with missing data: Use the “Exemption Code” field Reason Partial Data No Data Absent 20 10 IEP/Special Needs 23 13 Extraordinary Circumstances 24 14 Medical Excuse 25 15
FG9 Software Save your work! Blanks vs. Zeros Mile Run: Click “Save” to register changes Blanks vs. Zeros A zero indicates a test was attempted and the student scored a zero A blank indicates a test was not administered Mile Run: Enter 59:59 for students who attempt, but do not finish 15-Meter PACER: No need to convert to 20-Meter laps anymore
PFT Student Results Students Results: Aggregate Results: High Schools: Two Copies: Student copy in the cumulative folder Parent copy for the student to take home Aggregate Results: posted on DataQuest the following November High Schools: Use the results to plan Master Schedule
Useful Websites Fitnessgram 9 CDE sponsored PFT Training Website: http://fg9.wccusd.net/fitnessgram9district/login.aspx CDE sponsored PFT Training Website: http://www.pft-info.org/home1.aspx Aerobic Capacity Lookup Tables: http://www.cooperinstitute.org/ourkidshealth/fitnessgram/hfz-tables.cfm PFT Website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/pf/ Fitnessgram Website: http://www.fitnessgram.net/home/
Contact Information Matt Stewart PE Curriculum Specialist mstewart@wccusd.net 741-7337 Cedric Latreille Assessment Department mlatreille@wccusd.net 307-4515