1 Why Do a Hair Mineral Analysis? Rick Malter, Ph.D. Nutrition Counselor Malter Institute Cottonwood, Arizona (800) © March, 2013
2 Nutrient Minerals Measured in a Hair Mineral Analysis Henry Schroeder, MD: “Minerals are the sparkplugs of life.”
3 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: Nutrient Minerals & Stress Understanding how nutrient minerals relate to the stress response adds to our understanding of the nature of stress. HTMA patterns allow us to see how nutrients can help to regulate the stress response and reduce the risk for disease.
Key Factors Related to Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis(TMA) Two Metabolic (Oxidation) Types: Fast or Slow Stress and Magnesium Deficiency Copper Toxicity and Estrogen Toxic Metals 4 4
Hair TMA Research Drs. Eck & Watts reduced complex bio- chemical individuality to the two basic metabolic types. Eck & Watts showed that the two basic metabolic types reflected in hair TMA data put nutrition on a sound scientific basis. 5
6 Two Basic Hair Mineral Patterns Fast and Slow Metabolic (Oxidizer) Types
7 Hair Mineral Analysis Provides us with a stress and energy profile. Provides information about how we respond to stress. Provides information about how we are producing energy.
Health/Energy Continuum Health _______________________________ Disease High Energy Low Energy Disease PREVENTION Nutrition REVERSES the adverse trend Nutrition raises ENERGY LEVEL Nutrition maintains ENERGY and HEALTH Personal responsibility Low Cost
9 Hair Analysis and Biochemical Individuality Each metabolic type person needs different diets and nutrients from supplements. Fast metabolic types usually need calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, and copper. Slow metabolic types usually need potassium, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin C, magnesium, and adrenal gland support.
10 Estrogen, Copper, & Health The relationship between estrogen and copper is an essential concept. Excess estrogen and copper have adverse effects on women’s health – mental/physical. Lower potassium level in cells. Raise the calcium level in cells. Slow the thyroid. Excess estrogen and copper require more zinc and vitamin C.
11 “Pseudo” Bipolar Disorder Slow Oxidizer with High Copper High Copper LEVEL Mind Races, Driven Feeling Low Zinc/Copper RATIO Mind Races, Driven Feeling Physical exhaustion, fatigue, low energy
12 Copper Related Symptoms 1. PMS 2. Fatigue & exhaustion 3. Allergies 4. Mind is in a fog 5. Headaches, migraines 6. Mood swings 7. Supersensitive, weepy 8. Cold hands, and/or feet 9. Depression 10. Dry skin 11. Chocolate cravings 12. Feeling of loss of control 13. Paranoia 14. Despair, suicidal feelings, hopelessness 15. Arthritis, calcium spurs 16. Constipation 17. Racing heart, pounding heart 18. Adverse reaction to vitamins & minerals 19. Problems with concentration and memory 20. Short attention span, "spaciness" 21. Eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, overeating 22. Panic attacks, high anxiety, free floating anxiety 23. Yeast infections (candida) 24. Aching muscles or muscle cramps 25. Hypoglycemia 26. Mind races -- insomnia, interrupted sleep 27. Cysts 28. Mononucleosis, viral infection 29. Low blood pressure 30. Obsessive thoughts 31. Hypothyroid (slow thyroid)
13 Hair Analysis and Copper Sources of excess copper Copper water pipes Copper IUDs Copper is closely related to estrogen. Natural estrogen Estrogen in the “pill” Hormone replacement therapy
14 Hair Analysis vs. Blood Tests Hair analysis assesses nutrient minerals and toxic metals. Nutrient minerals relate to stress and energy. Blood has to maintain tight ranges and balances for good health. Homeostatic. Blood is a transport medium Oxygen Nutrients Glucose
15 Hair Analysis vs. Blood Tests Hair analysis detects mineral deficiencies before blood tests. Hair analysis detects toxic loads before blood tests. Hair analysis detects trends towards health problems long before they are diagnosed. Hair analysis provides a guide to dietary supplements to stop or reverse a trend.
16 Views on Magnesium Marc Sircus, AC, OMD “There is a power and a force in magnesium that cannot be equaled anywhere else in the world of medicine.” “There is no substitute for magnesium in human physiology.” “Nothing comes even close to it in terms of its effect on overall cell physiology.”
17 Relative Magnesium Deficiency Relative magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is low relative to calcium A high Ca/Mg ratio Usually found in slow metabolic types, especially with high copper. Can also occur in fast metabolic types with a high Ca/Mg ratio.
18 The Volatility of Magnesium and the Stress Response Magnesium has to be quickly released from inside of cells. This volatility of magnesium facilitates the stress response. By moving out of cells so quickly, magnesium allows sodium to rise. The rise in sodium accentuates the stress response.
19 The Volatility of Magnesium and the Stress Response The volatility of magnesium related to the stress response makes magnesium deficiency so common. Some individuals were “marinated” in utero in their mother’s adrenalin during the stress of pregnancy. These individuals have a hard time retaining magnesium. A high Ca/Mg ratio often occurs.
20 Guy Abraham, M.D. The Role of Magnesium High magnesium intake Enhances calcium absorption. Increases serum ionized calcium Promotes Ca deposition in bones. Blocks Ca deposition in soft tissues. Massive doses of calcium Don’t prevent osteoporosis. Block magnesium absorption. Creates a magnesium deficiency.
21 Magnesium and Cardio-vascular Functions Magnesium is nature’s “calcium channel blocker”. Magnesium slows the adrenals and reduces the intensity of stress. Magnesium is vital for heart rhythm regulation. Magnesium helps regulate insulin release.
22 The Calcium/Magnesium Ca/Mg Ratio Ca/Mg is a vital ratio. The higher the Ca/Mg ratio, the greater the magnesium deficiency. Taking Calcium and/or vitamin D with this mineral pattern can be a health disaster. Calcifies organs and tissues.
23 Heart Health, Drugs, and Nutrition Drugs & medications deplete magnesium. Drugs & medications deplete potassium. Increase cardiac risks. Hair tissue mineral analysis (TMA) reveals magnesium and potassium status.
24 Stress and Heart Health Intense stress depletes magnesium and zinc. Stress raises sodium levels/blood pressure. Stress is related to inflammation. A high Ca/Mg ratio: magnesium deficiency Raises insulin levels Increases risk for muscle spasm Increases risk for blood clots
25 Important Messages to Learn from this Presentation… Magnesium regulates Calcium, pure & simple. The Ca/Mg ratio in America is at crisis levels. The Ca/Mg ratio is m uch too High. Mg deficiency undermines health. Mg deficiency is at an epidemic level worldwide, but especially in America. Excess Calcium fuels this ratio, as does… Insufficient Mg in diet, lack of absorption & retention. 25
26 Some Symptoms Related to Magnesium Deficiency Tight, spastic muscles Muscle twitches Unstable blood sugar Seizures, tremors Cardiac rhythm problems High blood pressure Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Headaches Anxiety Depression Alcoholism, addictions
27 Health Practices Related to Magnesium & Health There are no guarantees in life. But, certain lifestyles and health practices greatly strengthen the immune system, the cardio-vascular system, brain function, the mind/body system, etc. We can greatly enhance our chances of living a healthy, energetic, loving, and satisfying life for many, many decades.
28 Magnesium Deficiency & High Calcium/Magnesium Ratio Calcium contracts muscles. Magnesium relaxes muscles. A high Ca/Mg ratio. Spasms in muscles. Tight tense muscles. Increases insulin release; low blood sugar level. Increases heart attack risk. Arterial spasms. Kidney stones.
29 Extreme Magnesium Deficiency Very high risk for a heart attack. Intense stress could trigger a heart attack. Mg =.8 Ca = 14 Ca/Mg = 17.5/1 Cu =.8 High risk for cardio- vascular events.
30 Stress, Relaxation, & Heart Health When the TMA shows a very low Mg level and/or a very high Ca/Mg ratio, check the magnitude of Na/K. With a high Na/K ratio, the heart attack risk is greatly increased. Strongly advise the person to back off of intense aerobic exercise until the magnesium status is improved. Mg supplementation is urgent.
31 Inflammation & Heart Health C-Reactive Protein A serum measure of inflammation Inflammation and HTMA High Na/K ratio Anti-inflammatory nutrients reduce high Na/K. Magnesium Potassium Zinc
32 Assessing Nutrient Mineral Status for Heart Health Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) Cell and tissue mineral reserves Magnesium Nature’s Tranquilizer Nature’s Calcium Channel Blocker Potassium Copper
33 Hair Analysis Especially good for assessing a person’s MAGNESIUM status, particularly in relation to stress. Stress depletes magnesium. Especially good for assessing a person’s COPPER status. Excess copper is stored in the brain and in the liver. Psychological and physical problems. A copper deficiency increases risk for cardio- vascular problems including stroke and aneurisms.
34 A Hair Analysis Now What is your metabolic type? Fast? Slow? What is your magnesium status? Low? What is your copper status? High? Low? What is your toxic metal status?