Marketing team handles all s for clients that they wish to send to their database. Marketing helps keep the client's customers and prospects coming back.
Basic service consists of a monthly newsletter; we would like all clients to send this out at a minimum. We will also handle other projects such as surveys, buyer short s, drip campaigns as needed, special event s, blast s, Monday Morning Mojo, etc.
Most profitable Easy to manage/delegate Easy to track and measure Increases asset of the business of client database
Marketing is the most profitable marketing. Marketing costs are about 5%, instead of 10-30% for Lead Generation. Marketing drives majority of business, usually 30-80% of business of real estate agents. Most agents underspend on/ underuse Marketing
When you are ready to begin Marketing work, your Marketing Assistant may you or call you to take note of any work that you wish to begin. From there they will be in contact with you or your Key Assistant with updates and any questions or approval on items needed from you. *If after 3 days we do not hear from you on approval of items, we will go ahead without your approval*
The estimates to follow are just that: estimates. Some tasks will take longer than the estimates if there are multiple changes to drafts. However, these are designed to be a starting point to assist in managing your budget. Monthly Newsletter Set-up: Formatting and verbiage, Graphics (header and/or template), DB file pull and/or upload, and editing - 10 hours Ongoing Monthly: Including writing and finding content and editing- 5 hours Monday Morning Mojo Set-up: Graphics, create header, editing, DB file pull and/or upload -3 hours Ongoing: Including editing and sending- 1hr/week Drip Campaigns Set up: Formatting and verbiage, Graphics (header), DB file pull and/or upload, setting up auto send in program with rules, and editing (with s in campaign)- 5-6 hrs
Directly markets a commercial message to a group of people using Direct s sent out on a regular basis to a list of subscribers/clients. Primary purpose is to build upon the relationship of the client with their contacts/clients. We recommend a monthly newsletter over a Drip campaign Greater success with a useful monthly newsletter that contains: ◦ pertinent local market info, homeowner info, and other tips, articles, stats, etc.
Some clients have a backlog of Buyer leads. The goal with these leads is to convert serious leads within this group into Clients. Some people who might bypass a newsletter or other company might respond to a short, personal-looking with a simple, relevant question. This is a very short, personal-type that we send to buyer leads in the client's database to solicit a response. We have been having great success obtaining new information from leads and converting old leads into hot leads. This is an inexpensive way to optimize the backlog of leads in your database and convert them to action.
A series of s sent to specific contact groups over a period of time-usually one a week for X amount of weeks. Drip Campaigns are largely ineffective and time consuming. Most people receiving the s delete them week after week because they're bothersome and contain no real useful info.
Monday Morning Mojo or Monday Morning Musings An MMM, as we call it, is a type of newsletter that is sent out every week, on Mondays. Part of a selected story is put into a template design much like an newsletter would be and ed to client's contacts.
A link is put at the bottom, to the rest of the story- usually landing on their site or Facebook page. The primary purpose of a MMM is to build upon the relationship of the client with their contacts/clients every week and build traffic to their Facebook fanpages, sites, etc.
A Just Listed or Just Sold or e-flyer is comprised of one or more properties that the client has recently listed on the market for sale or has recently sold. Typically photos and basic information such as # of bedrooms or bathrooms, sq. ft, selling price, or price sold for is put with each property that was sold or listed recently.
For 100 Client/SOI people, business should generate 4-10 closed deals per year from repeat/referrals. So for 500 people, deals per year. This makes it very easy to quickly analyze business and decide whether there is room for improvement for Client/SOI marketing. Budget about 5% of GCI for (and Mailed) Marketing. For $200,000 GCI agent, budget $10,000. Budget about $20 per Client/SOI per year. For 500 people, budget $10,000. Budget of $20 is based on mailings $12, call $8. Market share goal is to have 80% market share of Client/SOI database. This is probably 90% of A, 70% of B, and 50% of C people. About 50% of Marketing business is repeat or first-time business from SOI. About 50% of Marketing business is referrals from Client/SOI. Referrals usually come from only 10% of the database. These are the people rated A. Budget about $50 extra for the A people. So, with 500 people and 50 A people, budget extra $2,500 for A people. This may include lunches/coffee, gifts, parties. Overall budget for 200 people is $6,000 with goal of 20 deals at 200k would be $4m sales and $100,000 GCI so marketing cost would be 6% or $6,000.