Black Sea
Physical Map
In "Natural History", Pliny the Elder mentions the cattuzi, people who lived at the mouth of the Danube. Ethnonym cattuzi can interpreter as "the bounded", with meanings, remaining today as the "charmed, enchanted, cursed". Ancient name of the island of snakes, the Greeks with talc of "White" was Leuke, which went all the Getae dialect meaning "link. Unsold sources of drinking water, Snake Island can not be inhabited by people, therefore, after legends Bugeac Romanians and Dobruja is considered the gateway to the Other Realm, whose inhabitants are good and bad, but all the supernatural skills. There is dining and sipping Earth. Also there's the Fairy Tree, which spreads its branches as earthlings, after fulfilling certain conditions, can pass the Other Realm.
The Snake Island
Sea strainer seems to be the same with strainer Earth. But the first live in water, resembling fish because it has shiny scales. It has a huge mouth, which sips water, drowning people who bathes in water or standing on the sides watching. The Black Sea is the largest of all sorption Seas. He sips water occasionally, otherwise it would increase too much and would drown the earth. When I'm thirsty, sign drought and river water sips with such greed that sips and frogs, which then fall to earth with rain together. When it rains "with frogs" when after a big drought, rain and more extensively. Many legends coming from beyond time talking about the holy land where now dominates located on the Black Sea.
In 1913, the "Prehistoric Dacia", Nicholas Densuşianu locate between Iron Gate Atlantis and the Sphinx of Bucegi. "Atlantis" is translated by some linguists as "Happiness" and the Greeks called the current Black Sea Serpents' Island, Makaron, meaning "Blessed". Not far from her Russian archaeologists have found impressive underwater ruins attributed by some Atlanteans. Blajinii or Preafericiţii were descendants of Atlanteans, also known as the remains. About her ancient texts mention that lived beside the great waters that flow in all waters and Romanian folklore says that in those realms where the city has its God governs all the world, good and bad. Like Atlantis, biblical flood was in turn "walk" hypothesis in all sorts of places. No wonder, considering the neighborhood of Mount Ararat Black Sea, there are researchers doing here remains famous Ark of Noah. The Old Testament is described Mount Ararat, the last destination of Noah's Ark, then sinking mountain "Black Lake", which by the same archaeologists would be even Black Sea.
In Romanian legends, otter or sea and Judah's spirit lives at the bottom of the Black Sea, a large and beautiful palace, and thence rules the kingdom. All fish obey him. His palace is in a place called otter and is the deepest place of Mary, from heaven to earth. There are fish how much leaf and grass. Present in the mythology of many peoples, sirens are called by the Romans Faraoance or pharaohs. Strange creatures, half woman, half fish, staying all week, but knead vast, hidden on her ass and on Saturday or Sunday, when the sea is resting, rise to the surface. In that place there is a red stripe, one yellow and one blue. Faraoancele hold hands and sing beautiful songs that they hear who remain bewitched and, if not righteous, it confuses and drown. If he's honest, remember those songs and bring them on Earth, he learns all the world. Faraoancele rarely come on the seashore, more spring when it is hot, turn on the shore and the rocks and playing with strands of beads and all the wonders of the sea. Do not want to be seen by earthly eyes, therefore they feel mortal step approach is cast into the sea, forgetting the shore shells, stones ghiocuri and exceedingly beautiful.
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