Semester 1, 2015/2016
Lecture: Monday: 2 -4 pm (DKR1) Laboratory: Thursday: pm (MKM8) Thursday: 2 – 4 pm (MKM8)
CO1 - Ability to describe the difference of ideal op-amp to practical op-amp. CO2 - Ability to understand the concept of feedback, its limitations and usage in practical circuitry. CO3 - Ability to apply, calculate and test any op- amp circuitry related to electronic circuits applications.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Operational Amplifier Chapter 2: Basic Op-Amp Circuits Chapter 3: Special Purpose Op-Amp Circuits Chapter 4: Active Filters Chapter 5: Oscillators Chapter 6: Voltage Regulators
Lab 1: Introduction to Operational Amplification Lab 2: Common Op-Amp Circuits Lab 3: Active Filters Lab 4: Oscillating Op-Amp Lab 5: Voltage Regulating Op-Amp
Final examination: 50% Course work: 50% : ◦ Laboratory - 20% ◦ Theory Test I & II - 20% ◦ Laboratory Test /Quiz/Assignment -10%
Text book: Thomas L. Floyd, (2012). Electronic Devices: Conventional Current Version. 9 th Edition: Prentice Hall Reference book: Boylestad, R.L, and Nashelsky, L. (2009). Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. 8 th Edition: Prentice Hall