The three jobs that I have picked to be my careers are: Teacher Lawyer Pediatrician.


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Presentation transcript:

The three jobs that I have picked to be my careers are: Teacher Lawyer Pediatrician

Teachers get low pay. Their job is extremely hard. They create a well-rounded learning environment. They need extreme patience with students. They need to be able to work with all types of students. They need to learn to cope with behavioral problems. They need to have a masters degree. They need to complete university.

THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING REQUIREMENTS OF TEACHER To become a teacher, the worker must have a masters degree. The want to-be teacher must also need to complete university. They need to have education that leads to teacher certification for people with bachelors degrees in areas other than teaching. For secondary level teachers, a major and minor in the areas to be taught is required. In addition to the professional educator test, the teacher must also have subject matter tests for each teaching field of certification.

THE JOB OF A LAWYER Lawyers get a good amount of pay. They need to go to law school. For three years Lawyers give people and companies advice and tell them what they can and can't do under the law.. Lawyers spend a lot of time doing research. To be a good lawyer, a person must be good at finding facts in books, on computers, and in other places. Lawyers also interview people to get information. Lawyers also write legal documents like contracts and wills. They need to be very specific and well-written. All lawyers need a license from the place in which they want to work. To get a license, people need to get a college degree and then go to law school for 3 years. Finally, lawyers must pass a test called the bar examination. Even after they start working, lawyers need to keep on learning about changes in the law.

THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING REQUIREMENTS OF A LAWYER. Lawyers need a license ( from their law school) in which they want to work. Even after they start working, lawyers need to keep on learning about changes in the law. Most lawyers take classes from time to time. People who want to be lawyers also need strong reading skills. Students can take English classes to learn how to write, do research, and make presentations. Social studies classes teach about research and learn about the law. Employment of lawyers is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through Many people want to be lawyers, so there will be competition for good jobs. Employment of lawyers is expected to grow a lot. Many people want to be lawyers, so there will be competition for good jobs. Lawyers also need to have defensive perspective as well.

THE JOB OF A PEDIATRICIAN A pediatrician is an MD specializing in the care of children. Pediatricians do not perform major surgery. A children’s surgeon has separate training. Pediatricians’ will often do "minor" surgery, since any cutting is technically surgery. An example; a pediatrician might have to cut an ingrown earring from a child’s ear. Advise patients, parents or guardians and community members concerning diet, activity, hygiene, and disease prevention. Pediatricians also collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical history, reports, and examination results. They examine children regularly to assess their growth and development. They can usually examine patients or order. Mostly, they perform and interpret diagnostic tests to obtain information on medical condition and determine diagnosis. Monitor patients' condition and progress and re-evaluate treatments as necessary. The pay of a pediatrician is extremely good.

THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING REQUIREMENTS OF A PEDIATRICIAN It requires a Bachelor's degree, medical school, and then additional specialized training in Pediatrics. If you are interested in becoming Pediatrician, the first step would be to obtain a Bachelor's degree (4 years) from any college. Many choose to major in Pre-Medicine, to prepare for medical school, but there are other majors that will also work. The American Medical Association (AMA) considers general pediatrics to be a specialized field; however, they begin the education process with the same training as general practitioners. This process consists of four years of college, four years of medical school and, finally, a residency that lasts between 3-8 years. A sub-specialization, such as auto-immune disorders or pediatric surgery, can lengthen the residency. Upon completing medical school and a residency, the doctor must also pass the Medical Licensing examination in order to practice medicine. Examination requirements vary depending on sub-specializations.

INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT LAWYERS, TEACHERS, AND PEDIATRICIANS. Hours most teachers spend working each week unpaid (trying to catch up on grading/lesson planning!) Hours spent teaching students during a day- 7 Number of classes taught in middle and high school by each teacher- 6 classes per day. About 27 percent of lawyers are self-employed, either as partners in law firms or in solo practices. Formal requirements to become a lawyer usually include a 4-year college degree, 3 years of law school, and passing a written bar examination. Lawyers are also called attorneys. Wage tends to range from $41,000 to $111,000 a year. The word pediatrics and its cognates mean healer of children; they derive from two Greek words: (pais = child) and (iatros = doctor or healer). You will need at least eleven years of education to be a pediatrician. Four years will be in undergraduate studies, four years will be medical school studies and three years will include a residency.