10 Early Childhood Program Standards
Relationships Promote positive relationships with all parents and children. Children’s learning is encouraged when they feel safe and secure
Curriculum A high quality curriculum fosters development in social, emotional, physical, language and cognitive.
Teaching Use developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate and effective teaching approaches to enhance children’s learning and development.
Assessment of Child Progress By assessing children regularly teachers are able to select appropriate curricula to meet a child’s individual needs.
Health Encourage the nutrition and health of staff and students. Health is physical, oral, mental and social.
Teachers Employ qualified teaching staff. A teacher need to keep up to date on new developments to ensure her education is up to date.
Families Start and keep a collaborative relationship with families. Parent-Teacher relationship will build trust and respect. Families are encouraged to be involved.
Community Relationships Having relationships and resources from the community may allow you to help direct a family needing resources or assistance.
Physical Environment Provide a safe and healthy physical environment. A healthy and safe school environment will be a positive and welcoming climate for students, families, and teachers. Attention to both physical and social environments promotes learning, comfort, health, and safety.
Leadership and Management Strong program management policies result in high-quality service.