The evaluation of quality of the training offer at territorial level The evaluation of quality of the training offer within territorial systems Isfol – Area for the evaluation of policies in the field of Human Resources
A model for evaluating the quality of the training offer ISFOL has elaborated a model representing an instrument for self-evaluation – destined to all administrations responsible of professional training and educations policies – aiming at improving the different dimensions of systems quality, having regard of mutual connections. Its application, at regular intervals within a self-diagnosis process, permits to each administration to obtain a check list of areas of sections inside the system which could be improved and have to be kept under observation in order to increase the qualitative level.
The definition of quality by typology of approach to training Training as a didactic activity Training as a service to a beneficiary Training as a service of public utility Training as an enterprise function Training as an economic activity Training as a policy Quality = optimising the teaching – learning process Quality = satisfying the client Quality = conforming to a standard Quality = Total Quality Management Quality = improving results and performances Quality = reaching the objectives
The model Approach The model: Refers to a training offer system at territorial and institutional level; Considers policies and professional education and training interventions as subjects for evaluation, as regards: - programming / planning - implementation processes; - achievements, results, impacts.
The model review The model takes into account: The necessary conditions for achieving Lisbon objectives; The European Recommendations as regards the creation of a reference framework for quality assurance within professional education and training systems; The approach to the evaluation of human resources development policies within the National Strategic Framework (NSF); The results of experimentations.
The European Strategy for Education and Training 2010 Among the 8 policy sectors identified by the European Strategy, the model contributes to evaluating: The equity within education and training systems; The efficiency within education and training systems; The employability of those who have participated in training activities
The approach to quality within the NSF The general objective of the first NSF Priority (improving and valorising human resources) is to “strengthen, integrate and improve the quality of education, training and labour systems, as well as their connections with the territory. It is articulated in the following specific objectives: Improving the quality of education and training offer, as well as learning results, and facilitating the recognisability of competences; Improving the implementation process governance and the integration among the education, training and labour systems, as well as their relationship with the territory
The characteristics of the model 4 criteria for defining the quality of the training offer have been identified; Each criteria refers to a variable number of dimensions and sub-dimensions that can be evaluated through a set of indicators; The model takes into account the declination of dimensions and sub-dimensions for specific training sectors.
Quality dimensions by criteria Criteria 1 – The relevance of strategic planning: strategic planning reflects a vision that is agreed among stakeholders and answers to the needs of professional profiles within the territory. Needs’ analysis as regards professional profiles and training or as regards structured mechanisms for demand revealing / analysing Implementing integrated education, training and labour programming processes.
Quality dimensions by criteria Criteria 2 - The equity of training as compared to the beneficiaries’ needs: consists in the capacity to identify potential beneficiaries and to offer a training respondent to individuals’ needs, by integrating education, training, labour and social inclusion policies. Diffusing information. Identifying beneficiaries that are under conditions of distress Adapting the training offer to the beneficiaries’ typology Certifying competences Targeted accompaniment actions Individual training demand and, in general, individual systems for accessing and utilising training services. Mechanisms and instruments of conciliation Integrating professional guidance, training and education.
Quality dimensions by criteria Criteria 3 – The relative effectiveness of training interventions and policies Asset profile of proposals presented and approved for financing Recognition of competencies Evaluating the learning process of trainees Trainees’ success rate Employees’ gross employment insertion Observing participants’ satisfaction
Quality dimensions by criteria Criteria 4 – Sustainability: is defined by strengthening capacity building of administrations responsible of training and labour policies Existing system actions Training of trainers activity Governance of interventions didactic dimension Policies and interventions in support of training bodies’ evaluation / self – evaluation Strengthening the governance system
Experimentations The model for evaluating the training offer quality has been experimented in two regions: Liguria and Toscana Regions (Province Lucca and Pistoia). Each experimentation represents a possible modality to apply / develop the same model.
The European Reference Framework Isfol – National Structure for the evaluation of ESF Area for the evaluation of policies in the field of Human Resources Isfol model and the European Reference Framework have in common the overall approach to quality, because: it considers “evaluation” as an instrument to support the decision making process as well as an instrument for improving programming and implementation; it valorises “participated” evaluation; it refers to self-evaluation; it considers quality evaluation as a system evaluation of processes, products, realisations, results and impacts.