Photography Parts of a Camera
Aperture size (or width or diameter) of the opening of a lens diaphragm inside a photographic lens regulates the amount of light that passes through the lens onto the film inside the camera Represented by f-stop numbers, the lower the number, the larger the opening.
Depth of Field Measures the distance between the closest and farthest object in focus when taking a photo. Measurement is opposite of the aperture. Big aperture = small depth of field Small aperture= big depth of field For detail shots you want a small depth of field For pattern/framing/rule of third shots, you want a big depth of field.
Big Aperture = Small Depth of Field What is in the background? Clear or blurred?
Small Aperture- Large Depth of Field
Shutter Speed The length of time that the camera's shutter is open usually ranging from 1/8000 of a second to 30 seconds long. Slow- objects in motion as a blur Fast- more precise moving objects
Slow Shutter Speed
Fast Shutter Speed
Review Aperture is the size of the lens opening that lets in the light. The bigger the lens opening, the more color gets in, but the shorter distance will be in focus. Shutter speed is how long the light is let in through the lens opening. The slower the shutter opens and closes, the more light comes in. For moving objects, a slow shutter will blur the motion.
Program Mode Action mode/firework mode = faster shutter Portrait mode = slower shutter, bigger aperture Landscape mode= smaller aperture
Zoom Digital Zoom- Uses cutting and enlarging of photos to make the picture appear larger in a camera. This zoom will lessen the quality of the photo. Optical Zoom- Uses a lens to make objects appear bigger. This zoom will keep the quality of the photo.
JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group Compression format for digital images
Pixel Method of measuring and comparing the maximum image size capabilities of digital cameras The higher the pixel count, the better and larger the image 1 megapixel = 1 million pixels
Resolution In digital imaging, refers to the number of pixels or dots that make up an image; an image’s resolution must be high for it to be presented clear. Higher resolutions take up more card memory Resolutions must be 150 to be in the yearbook.
Why can’t we use Facebook or phone photos? Websites require a 72 resolution to look clear. Print requires a 150 resolution to be clear. RESOLUTION AND IMAGE SIZE ARE DIRECTLY RELATED. What happens to the resolution of a 3x5 photo when we make it an 8x10? If may camera takes 36 inch x 48 inch photos at a 72 resolution, what happens when I shrink the photo to an 8 x 10?
Shutter speed and Aperture?
Shutter Speed & Aperture
Shutter speed and aperture
Assignment Go to Find the following: –Five fast shutter speed photos –Five slow shutter speed photos –Five big aperture (small depth of field) photos –Five small aperture (big depth of field) photos Take screen shots by pressing shift+command+4 on the key board.