Killer Whales By, Gabriella 10/ 2 / 09 whale/index.htm.


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Presentation transcript:

Killer Whales By, Gabriella 10/ 2 / 09 whale/index.htm

Intoduction Imagine you are an orca swimming with your pod. Then,a pod member you don't even know gets caught in a fishing net. You are scared, and decide to stay away from the fishing nets. Orcas are endangered because they are sensitive to water pollution and global warming. Also, orcas get tangled in fishing nets. Orcas also get killed for their skin and insides. whales_4250.jpg killer-whales_4250.jpg&imgrefurl= tile.htm&usg=__p5hRabobpkEaFmtCOlKDfD7aKGw=&h=329&w=468&sz=47&hl=en&start=3&tbni d=CISq7Z2rit60HM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkiller%2Bwhales%26gbv%3D2 %26hl%3Den

Adaptations An orca has many adaptations. Orcas have big flippers for big burst of speed to get away from predators. The orca's body structure is very strong, that helps it to kill its prey and get away from predators. whales.jpg&imgrefurl= HIL4aucDBnlk7uQylwCEhQKQ=&h=313&w=450&sz=72&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=TYqdtEdmHFyKBM :&tbnh=88&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkiller%2Bwhales%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den

Depends Upon An orca depends upon the water where it lives. It feeds on seals, manatees, fish, birds, squid, dolphins, and sea turtles.

Food Chain This is the orca's food chain:

In danger! Orcas are endangered because people are killing them for their insides; and causing global warming and water pollution! This is not fair to the orcas! Some people are helping; the ones who care, some are not; the ones that do not care. Be a person who cares! Please help save the orcas! 02/images/orcaspyhopinice.jpg

Solutions To help, people have been: Raising money and sending it to Sea World Keeping orcas in zoos Help! Come up with your own ways to save orcas. Help save the orcas! Help us! g