LOLA - features and uses LOLA is a convenient portable device that enables individuals to lead independent lives for longer while also providing peace of mind to users and families alike LOLA is the only product available on the market that has direct contact with a 24/7/365 emergency MEDICAL response centre It’s features include; LOLA also issues ‘Low Battery’ and ‘Power Off’ messages SOS button that immediately alerts the Mediserve ARC G-Shock fall sensor which automatically sends alert Two way speaker allowing immediate discussion and situation evaluation Out of geo-fence alert prompting immediate action Real-time tracking of location GSM/GPRS worldwide coverage
Falls in the elderly 33% of people over 65 years, 37% over 70 years and 50% over 80 years suffer one fall per year equating to approximately 45,000 in the Dublin region alone 50% of fallers are unable to get up following a fall Of those that have one fall two thirds will fall again within the next 6 months 20% of those that fall will require medical attention with the remaining 80% going unreported In addition 48% percent of all people over the age of 65 have a fear of falling Results in 25% of patients significantly curtailing their activities and levels of social contact due a decrease in confidence thereby dramatically decreasing their quality of life
‘Long Lie’ and effects ‘Long Lie’ is defined as being on the ground for 60 minutes post fall The ‘long lie’ can have significant psychological effects including an increased fear of falling and depression Physical effects include; –High mortality rates –Muscle damage –Pneumonia –Pressure sores –Hypothermia –Dehydration Decreasing the time between falling and receiving medical attention is key to the outcome for the patient
FALL Fall detection G-Force – Falls/Impact Detection 5 different levels of sensitivity from motion detection to crash can be set on the system to raise alerts Family Member 2 Mediserve call centre Emergency Service Dispatched Family Member 1 Medical Attention required Automatic Text Message Automatic E Mail alert* Two Way Speaker Family Member 3 / Carer Telephone Call * Up to four e mail accounts can receive alert messages
Exact position is located immediately
Alzheimers/Dementia Currently 47,000 people in Ireland have a form of dementia with ‘early- onset’ accounting for 4,000 of these patients 2/3rds of these are women There are 50,000 carers actively working with these patients and each patient will have on average 3 family members affected In total there are 250,000 in Ireland where Alzheimers/Dementia is a daily feature There have been some high profile cases in the past 12 months that have raised awareness of the tendency of these patients to become ‘lost’ and the significant efforts and resources required to locate them – e.g. Peggy Mangan LOLA’s key differentiators in this space is the geofencing, personal service, multi-channel response, real time tracking and 24/7/365 medical call centre support
Geo Fencing An area can be defined as a ‘safe zone’ for users of the LOLA. Once the patient goes beyond the boundary of this area the device will automatically activate Emergency Service Dispatched Family Member 1 Medical / Rescue services Automatic Text Message Automatic E Mail alert Two Way Speaker Family Member 2 / Carer Outside ‘Safe Zone’ Telephone Call Mediserve call centre Time controls can also be applied Telephone Call
‘Safe Zone’
SOS Alert LOLA can be used as a personal safety device for patients and carers alike On activation of the SOS button a series of events is initiated designed to protect the safety of the user SOS Family Member 2 Mediserve call centre Emergency Service Dispatched Family Member 1 Medical/ Police Attention required Automatic Text Message Automatic E Mail alert* Two Way Speaker Family Member 3 / Carer Telephone Call * Up to four e mail accounts can receive alert messages
Market landscape PortableGPSPanicG Shock2-Way Geo Fence Real Time TextCallCall Centre Initial Outlay Annual Tunstall FallPhone Non Medical €335€180 Tunstall Fall RentalPhone Non Medical €70€100 Swish GPS €595€0 Prime 2 GPS €138€80 GPS/GPRS Tracker €249€0 Antenna CarephonePhone €375€80 Doro Secure Phone 347 Phone Non Medical €148€90 VEGA GPSPhone Non Medical €600€180 FOLD PendantPhone Non Medical €150€180 Epilepsy Watch €248€252 Epilepsy Watch - Premium €298€360 Bosch Carephone 12Phone €345€90 Epi Care FreePhone €1,200€0 LOLA MEDICAL €220 €270
Leaflet – Alzheimers/Dementia
Leaflet – Elderly Falling