HEAT TRANSFER IN LIGHTSABERS An ME 340 Project by Clayton Grames
INTRODUCTION Lightsabers are fictional weapons used in the Star Wars Universe Energy is focused through a crystal to form a beam of light that can cut through virtually anything Lightsabers are traditionally the weapons of Jedi Knights
OBJECTIVE This project aims to find the maximum heat flux from the focus crystal that would maintain a safe constant outer surface temperature Assumptions: Constant heat flux through from the crystal radially outward Liquid coolant in the crystal chamber negates the effects of radiative heat transfer Crystal mounts are fully insulated
CONDITIONS Convective heat transfer coefficients are found for the internal flow and the outer surface The hydraulic internal flow is turbulent and causes free convection to be negligible A thermal circuit is used to calculate the heat flux from the surface of the lightsaber to center of the crystal chamber Water V = 1 m/s Ti = 300 K, k = 0.58 Insulation K = 0.2 W/m*K L = 15 mm Al Housing K = 200 W/m*K L = 10 mm Ts = 300 K T∞ = 290 K Water To = 400 K
THERMAL CIRCUIT This shows the thermal circuit used to calculate the heat flux through the system Where: Q = (Tsurface – Tinside)/Rtotal The heat flux for the given assumptions was found to be very small Q = 2.09 W/m^2 Outside Conv. Al Shell Rubber Insulation Water Cond. Water Convection with Wall and Crystal