Bell Work-Monday, March 30 th Performance Objective: “I can describe the events of the Vietnam War.” Daily Objective: Today I will select my research topic and begin my project. 1. What do you think the soldiers thought about following orders?
Monday-Agenda Bell Work Good news share Go over research project – Due Date, points, and rubric – Handout Research Outlines-to be completed from sources only and you must site – We will be in the computer lab tomorrow Learn Gaga Ball
Vietnam War Project Points: 100 Due: Monday April 6 th – This time there will be penalties for not being fully prepared on the assigned date 10 point deduction every day You will receive a zero if you do not present by Friday Topics: Anything that we have covered during the Vietnam War-you choose what interests you
Vietnam War Project Outline (30 points): You will complete an outline where you will: – list a main point about your topic (how it was either good or bad) and give an opposing point you will do this three times – list all of your sources – You must have three sources One of which must be a primary source Visual (50 points): You must include a visual for your presentation that is 3-D Presentation (20 points): You can read off of notes only and this needs to be a talk more of a reading of information; you are the expert on your topic
Vietnam War Project You will decide and finalize what your topic is tomorrow in the lab after you have had a chance to preview the internet and source materials You are doing this project BY YOURSELF!!!
Vietnam War Project Topics Gulf of Tonkin POW Guerilla Warfare Traps Agent Orange Leaders/Controversial Figures/Groups Tet Offensive My Lai William Calley Should a soldier be tried for crimes?
Gaga Ball
Bell Work-Tuesday, March 31 th Performance Objective: “I can describe the events of the Vietnam War.” Daily Objective: Today I will research my topic and begin my project. 1. Why was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution an important event?
Tuesday-Agenda Bell Work Expectations Research
Bell Work-Wednesday, April 1 st Performance Objective: “I can describe the events of the Vietnam War.” Daily Objective: Today I will write a reflection about POWs in Vietnam. 1. Why do you think it took the U.S. so long to get the POWs back?
Wednesday-Agenda Bell Work POW video
Not Forgotten
Bell Work-Thursday, April 2 nd Performance Objective: “I can describe the events of the Vietnam War.” Daily Objective: Today I will read about POWs in Vietnam. 1. Should a potential president have served in the military in order to become president, why or why not?
Thursday-Agenda Bell Work Turn in all work for the week Questions over project Reading activity – I am also giving you a copy of the article about My Lai – You can find the original article here: village.htm