“Flowers, Italy” by Joseph Stella 2 nd Grade Art Masterpiece
Joseph Stella Born in Italy in 1877; moved to US when he was 18. He is remembered for his American Futuristic paintings. He painted many different kinds of art.
Many of his paintings showed symmetrical balance. Even if the painting is not exactly the same from side to side, in substance, it is the same.
“Flowers, Italy” How is this painting balanced? What are the differences from one side to the other side? Which colors are the cool colors or warm colors? Does this painting look futuristic? Does it look realistic? What do you like about this painting?
Your turn Sketch with pencils the other half of the vase and the flowers. After you have sketched, color the picture with markers or colored pencils. Try to balance it in size, overall shape and color. When you are finished, “frame” the picture by gluing it on construction paper. Be sure to sign your artwork!