Learning Disabilities Part 1
Overview What are the different learning disabilities that we can find in a classroom? What is it like to be a student with a learning Strategies to use in your classroom Benefits of these strategies for students without learning disabilities
Some Statistics According to Statistics Canada, more children in this country have a learning disability than all other types of disabilities combined. According to Statistics Canada, of all the children with disabilities in this country, more than half (59.8%) have a learning disability. Statistics Canada reports that 3.2% of Canadian children have a learning disability – that’s the equivalent of one child in every school bus full of children.
Some Statistics con’t According to Statistics Canada, more than half a million adults in this country live with a learning disability, making it more challenging for them to learn in universities and colleges, and on the job. According to Statistics Canada, learning disabilities increased considerably between 2001 and 2006 among Canadians aged 15 and over by almost 40 per cent to 631,000 people, making it one of the fastest growing types of disabilities in Canada that isn’t related to aging.
Types of Learning Disabilities
Reading aloud in the classroom “Come on” said Betsy. “We have to pick up this corn we don’t have another can of popcorn.” “Are we going to eat popcorn that’s been on the floor?” asked Susan. “We can wash it” Betsy answered. “That’s a good idea, “ said Susan “I can wash it, come on all of you, help us pick it up. The children went to work. It took them a long time to pick up the popcorn. Then they took the corn to the kitchen and Betsy washed it. All the children thought that it was just the thing to do. Betsy put the corn into two big pans to put in the oven.
In class activity In groups of 4 brainstorms the ways that students with learning disabilities are limited in access to learning. For each limitation identify a strategy or accommodation that a teacher can use in the CEGEP or University classroom to allow students with learning disabilities access to learning. You have 4 minutes to complete this task. Assign one group member to share your suggestions in 30 seconds.