WELCOME LEEDv4 Lunch & Learn IN THE DEEP END A Detailed Look at Water Efficiency in LEED v4 Approved for 1.5 LEED Specific CE Hours
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AGENDA Introductions Water Efficiency Category Overview Credit by Credit Review
Nick Marcucci, AIA, LEED AP BD+C Wold Architects and Engineers Associate Kevin Flynn, AIA, LEED FELLOW EcoDEEP Architects and Green Building Consultants
WE Prerequisite 1, Outdoor Water Use Reduction Intent Reduce outdoor water consumption Requirements Option 1: No irrigation required Show that landscape does not require a permanent irrigation system beyond a maximum two year establishment period Option 2: Reduced irrigation* Reduce the project’s landscape water requirement by at least 30% from the calculated baseline for the site’s peak watering month. Reductions must be achieved through plant species selection and irrigation efficiency as calculated by the EPA WaterSense Water Budget Tool *Note this is regardless of potable or non-potable irrigation source
STEP BY STEP GUIDANCE Step 1. Determine which Option – OPTION 1 : No Permanent Irrigation System Required (beyond 2 yr establishment period) Option 1: Must first develop plant species and water requirement narrative. Describe the plantings and why they do not need irrigation beyond the initial specified establishment period. (2 years) Indicate why average rainfall will be sufficient. NEED: Average precipitation and evapotranspiration data. Local rainfall and plants watering demands Determine vegetated areas (landscape plans showing native plant types and quantities )
STEP BY STEP GUIDANCE OPTION 2 - Reduced Irrigation (30% from calculated baseline for site’s peak watering month) Achieved through plant species selection and irrigation system efficiency. Option 2: Reduce irrigation needs by selecting appropriate plantings for intended use. Reserve grass for playfields and other activities that require turf/groundcover. (Have dramatic effect on ability to meet prerequisite and credit thresholds. Restore or replace native plant species to replace areas requiring intensive irrigation. Calculate landscape Water Budget (using EPA tool) Use tool for vegetated areas only – do not include hardscape or unvegetated soft scapes (mulch, pads, playgrounds, - athletic fields, food gardens, etc may be included or excluded) Research plantings – water needs.
Option 2: Good to Know Rules Plans may not enter “0” landscape water consumption for any landscaped area. If one part is not irrigated and another is – must do calculations for each area separately and sum results. No credit is given for alternative water sources or smart sensor technologies in this prerequisite.
Delete out building, hard surface, athletic fields – in or out, etc
WE Prerequisite 2, Indoor Water Use Reduction Intent Reduce indoor water consumption Requirements Building Water Use: Reduce water use from fixtures and fittings in Table 1 by 20% from the baseline All new toilets, urinals, private lavatory faucets and showerheads that are eligible for labeling must be WaterSense labeled (or equivalent outside U.S.) Appliance and Process Water Use: Install appliances, equipment, and processes within the project scope that meet the requirements listed in Tables 2 & 3
WE Prerequisite 2, Indoor Water Use Reduction Compliance Path 1: Prescriptive Achievement For projects whose installed fixtures do not exceed WaterSense maximum levels. Compliance is documented through project cut sheets and fixtures schedules. *Use this path if you don’t want to earn points under WEc2!! Compliance Path 2: Usage Based Calculations If not all fixtures meet WaterSense maximum levels and/or, you want pursue points under WEc2 - YOU MUST USE THIS COMPLIANCE PATH. Perform calculations that show in aggregate all fixtures comply with prerequisite requirements.
WE Prerequisite 2, Indoor Water Use Reduction
WE Prerequisite 2, Indoor Water Use Reduction – Path 2
C C Urinal = 1 Showerhead = 2
Changed urinal to.5 and shower to 1.5 results in significant savings Changing urinal to.125 results in savings of 40% = 4pts in Indoor Water Use Credit. 50% = 6pts and over 55% is an Exemplary Performance
WE Prerequisite 3, Building Level Water Metering Intent Support water management and identify opportunities for additional water savings by tracking water consumption Requirements Install permanent water meters (reading the public water meter or monthly billing meets prerequisite) that measure total water use for the building and associated grounds. Meter data must be compiled into monthly and annual summaries; meter readings can be manual or automated Commit to sharing with the USGBC the resulting whole-project water usage for a five year period beginning on the date the project accepts LEED certification or typical occupancy, whichever comes first Commitment must carry forward for five years or until the building changes ownership or lessee
WE Credit 4, Water Metering
WE Credit 1, Outdoor Water Use Reduction 1-2 Points Intent Reduce outdoor water consumption Requirements Option 1: No irrigation required (1pt for HC, 2pts all others) Show that landscape does not require a permanent irrigation system beyond a maximum two year establishment period Option 2: Reduced irrigation (1pt for HC, 2pts all others) Reduce the project’s landscape water requirement by at least 50% from the calculated baseline for the site’s peak watering month. Reductions must be achieved through plant species selection and irrigation efficiency as calculated by the EPA WaterSense Water Budget Tool
WE Credit 1, Outdoor Water Use Reduction 1-2 Points Comments 1.Additional reductions beyond 50% may be achieved by any combination of efficiency, alternative water sources, and smart scheduling technologies 2.Non-vegetated surfaces such as paving shall be excluded from calculations. Vegetated athletic fields, playgrounds, and food gardens may be included or excluded by project team Table 1 Percentage Reduction from BaselinePoints (except healthcare)Points (Healthcare) 50%11 100%2N/A Prerequisite is 30% Use Prerequisite calulation from EPA WaterSense Water Budget Tool
WE Credit 2, Indoor Water Use Reduction Intent Reduce indoor water consumption Requirements Further reduce fixture and fitting water use from calculated baseline of Prerequisite. Additional potable water savings can be earned above the prerequisite level using alternative water sources. Include fixtures and fittings necessary to meet the needs of the occupants. Fittings and fixtures may be outside the tenant space (Commercial Interiors) or project boundary (New Construction). Points are awarded per Table 1.
WE Credit 2, Indoor Water Use Reduction Prerequisite is 20%
WE Credit 2, Indoor Water Use Reduction 1.1, 1.28, and 1.6 gpf0.5 and gpfWaterless Urinal 0.5 gpm ~ gpm
Linked to WEp2 From Indoor Water Use Reduction Calculator
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water Intent Conserve water used for cooling tower makeup while controlling microbes, corrosion, and scale in the condenser water system Requirements Conduct a one-time potable water analysis for cooling towers and evaporative condensers in order to optimize cooling tower cycles. Measure at least the five control parameters listed in Table 1
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water
Requirements Calculate the number of cooling tower cycles dividing the maximum allowed concentration level of each parameter by the actual concentration level of each parameter found in the potable water makeup water. Limit cooling tower cycles to avoid exceeding maximum values for any of these parameters
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water Ways to Save Evaporation: Climate, increase water temperatures, VFD on pumps
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water Ways to Save Spray & Drift: VFDs on CT fans, drift eliminators, wind break, overflow floats
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water Ways to Save – Design Options Increase water temperatures = less water to towers Use an air cooled chiller (poor for power consumption but saves water) Use an evaporative fluid cooler (larger fan but saves water) Increased Monitoring & Maintenance Side stream filters Minimize chemicals – Charged filters, Sphagnum Moss
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water New Construction 1 pt – maximum number of cycles 1 – 2 pts – Minimum of 10 cycles for 2 pts or minimum number of cycles AND use at least 20% recycled non-potable water for 1 point
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water Existing buildings 2 pts – maximum number of cycles 1 – 4 pts – Minimum of 10 cycles for 3 or 4 pts or minimum number of cycles AND use at least 20% recycled non-potable water for 1 point
WE Credit 3, Cooling Tower Water Example – Minneapolis City Water 6-8 cycles
WE Credit 4, Water Metering Intent Support water management and identify opportunities for additional water savings by tracking water consumption Requirements Install permanent water meters for two or more of the following water subsystems, as applicable to the project: Irrigation. Meter water systems serving at least 80% of the irrigated landscaped area. Calculate the percentage of irrigated landscape area served as the total metered irrigated landscape area divided by the total irrigated landscape area. Landscape areas fully covered with xeriscaping or native vegetation that requires no routine irrigation may be excluded from the calculation. Indoor plumbing fixtures and fittings. Meter water systems serving at least 80% of the indoor fixtures and fitting described in WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction, either directly or by deducting all other measured water use from the measured total water consumption of the building and grounds.
WE Credit 4, Water Metering Requirements Install permanent water meters for two or more of the following water subsystems, as applicable to the project: Domestic hot water. Meter water use of at least 80% of the installed domestic hot water heating capacity (including both tanks and on-demand heaters). Boilers: with aggregate projected annual water use of 100,000 gallons ( liters) or more, or boiler of more than 500,000 BtuH (150 kW). A single makeup meter may record flows for multiple boilers. Reclaimed water. Meter reclaimed water, regardless of rate. A reclaimed water system with a makeup water connection must also be metered so that the true reclaimed water component can be determined. Other process water. Meter at least 80% of expected daily water consumption for process end uses, such as humidification systems, dishwashers, clothes washers, pools, and other subsystems using process water.
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