Successful Water Management Strategies Require Prioritization
New Homes Use 50% Less Water than 1980 How much more can we cut?? Source: BIA CA – Indoor Water Use Only
Advanced and Future Residential Water Conservation Strategies: Laundry 17% of indoor water use in new homes Laundry room conducive to water conservation –Architectural layout –Education
Advanced and Future Residential Water Conservation Strategies: Water Heating Tankless water heater / Smart shower Shower largest in-home water user: 41%
Advanced and Future Residential Water Conservation Strategies Smart Water Homes “That which is measured is improved.” - Lord Kelvin Leaks / waste make up % of indoor water use in US
Stormwater Harvesting / Recycling Not feasible to support 100% of irrigation demandNot feasible to support 100% of irrigation demand Costs high when filtration involvedCosts high when filtration involved
Underground Water Storage Stormwater Collection
Urban Runoff Harvesting Gobernadora Multi-Purpose Basin Non-potable recyclingNon-potable recycling Groundwater rechargeGroundwater recharge Flood storageFlood storage Runoff treatmentRunoff treatment RecreationRecreation Ecological habitatEcological habitat
Water Use Mitigation Achieving “Net Zero” Water Use Rebate programsRebate programs Off-setting regional water useOff-setting regional water use
Reduce Infrastructure Costs and Increase Recycled Water Availability: Localized Wastewater Reuse Facilities Small set-back areaSmall set-back area Small footprint (2-4 housing lots)Small footprint (2-4 housing lots) No odorNo odor Neighbor friendlyNeighbor friendly Lower collection / distribution costLower collection / distribution cost Capacity to service 55,000 pplCapacity to service 55,000 ppl Park Homes WRF 4.1 MGD <140 ft
Development Planning for Alternative Water Sources If All Else Fails…..