Carlo Secchi European coordinator PP3 – PP19 ROUND TABLE: Integration of the Iberian rail network in the European transport system EU added value, progresses and challenges of Priority Project 3
Carlo Secchi European coordinator PP3 – PP19 TEN-T Priority Project 3: the main link HSL South-West Europe – three branches: Iberian branch: ES-PT line Madrid-Lisbon-Porto: synergies with PP16 (freight) et PP19 / 8 (Porto-Vigo..-La Coruña – Atlantic line) Atlantic branch : connection FR-ES; HSL Madrid-Valladolid-Basque country-Bordeaux–Paris; Freight: toward an Atlantic freight corridor (added capacity); Bilbao (Port) / PP19 – PT) Mediterranean branch: connection FR-ES; HSL Madrid – Barcelona -…Lyon - Paris; Freights: link to Barcelona port, synergies with ERTMS Corridor D / PP19 – Valencia port)
Carlo Secchi European coordinator PP3 – PP19 Main links: PP3 MAP
Carlo Secchi European coordinator PP3 – PP19 The European Added-Value First interoperable connections between the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of EU: a major achievement for the internal market High Speed line FR-ES- PT linking the Capitals and main towns (Barcelona, Lyon, Bordeaux, Oporto…, Contribution to efficient multimodal freight transport : linking ports (Barcelona, Valencia..,), synergies with ERTMS Corridor D, PP16 Consistent with EU2020 « energy-climate » Attraction of Private Capital to TEN-T Overcoming a major natural barrier (the Pyrenees): - rebalance the modal split - bridging the gap between adjacent regions so far set apart (Europe-making)
Carlo Secchi European coordinator PP3 – PP19 Main achievements during 2009/2010 Iberian branch : works on-going on 80 km of platform (Caceres-Mérida-Badajoz); signature of the Contract for Poceirão-Caia Atlantic branch : works launched/on-going throughout Valladolid-Burgos and Vitoria-Bergara-Bilbao; tender for Tours-Bordeaux new line launched; 1000 m corridors for the GPSO defined (Comité de Pilotage) Mediterranean branch: connection Barcelona-Perpignan advanced (provisional op , full new line ~2012) - tender negotiation for CNM (Nimes-Montpellier bypass)
Carlo Secchi European coordinator PP3 – PP19 Future challenges Keep with this pace in implementing the project in spite of the crisis (CNM, Bergara-S. Sebastian, Lisbon- Poceirão …) vs. local consensus Ensure interoperability: in terms of Gauge, Signalling and Control (ERTMS) Establish Corridor management / joint operations: new services generate/attract cross-border demand