Agenda General Meeting Warsaw 6 November 2009
Action plan for this morning 9:00-11: Election of the Board and of the President 2 - Accounting issues 12:00-13: Progress report
1. Election of the Board and of the President Board members currently serving are: - Hannu Penttilä (YTV Helsinki) President - Sophie Mougard (STIF Paris Ile de France) Vice-president - Carlos Cristobal Pinto (CRTM Madrid) Vice-president - Thierry Duquenne (Brussels Capitale Region) Treasurer - Hans-Werner Franz (VBB Berlin) - Ingemar Ziegler (SL Stockholm) (resigned from SL) - David Brown (SYPTE Sheffield) - Vaidotas Antanavicius (SP Vilnius) (resigned from SP) - Pierluigi Gentile (AMMT Torino) The task of the Board is to draw up the main programme for action and communication, prepare the budget, close the accounts, prepare the general meeting and implement its decisions. The President leads the association, he chairs the meetings and sets the priorities of the agenda. Board members may renew their term as long as they are willing to serve. In fact it has been the case since the beginning of EMTA, except for an enlargement of the Board in Stockholm in 2007 from 5 to 9 members, and this has ensured a stable leading group for a long term strategy. At the time of election the candidate holds responsibilities in the organisation of transport within the Transport Authority he represents” Art8a.
1. Election of the Board and of the President 6 November 2009 elections will see : a first round for agreeing on the number of Board members a second round for electing the members of the Board a third round for electing the President. Only Full Members are entitled to vote on statutory issues as is specified in Statutes article 7.1. Intern Rules article 4.3 add that agreement will be reached by simple majority and that vote by proxy is possible with the limit of one empowerment by Member.
1. Election of the Board and of the President Secretary general of EMTA received some candidature for the Board and one for Presidency Propose to renew Mrs Mougard (STIF Paris IdF) VP M.Cristobal Pinto (CRTM Madrid)VP M.Duquenne (Brussels Capitale) T M.Franz (VBB Berlin) M.Brown (SYPTE Sheffield) Candidate for the Board M.Garcia (AMT Barcelona) M.Ruta (ZTM Warsaw) M.Paonessa (AMMT Torino) M.Gunnarsson (SL Stockholm) Will quit the Board M.Penttilä (YTV Helsinki) M.Gentile (AMMT Torino) M.Antanavicius (SP Vilnius) M.Ziegler (SL Stockholm) Candidate for Presidency M.Franz (VBB Berlin)
2. Accounting issues Vote on exemption of 50% fees when members are hosting the General Meeting Vote on related modification of the Intern Rules - VIII Fees Vote on one-shot reduction of annual fees for 2010 ; drawn back to €5000 for full fee
3. Progress report Barometer and Directory Comparative Study on financing and pricing policy- Barcelona European level EMTA reaching out Current activities 2010 Others
3. Progress report Barometer and Directory Laura Delgado Link to BEST Directory need for sponsors (10) Comparative study on financing and pricing policy ATM Barcelona Marc Garcia
3. Progress report European Level Response to Consultation of DG-TREN on the Future of Transport 30 Sept 09 (in anticipation of Action Plan) Invitation of EMTA by DG-TREN unit 4 for hearing on Urban ITS (1st Dec 2009 Brussels) Preparation along suggested lines Team work with E-Ticketing group and …. TEN-T transport of the Future, 2 nd stakeholder meeting (20th Nov 2009 Brussels) EMTA reaching out EMTA invited by Turkish Ministry Forum on Transport September 09 EMTA participated into ITS World Congress September 09 Membership is 30 members 1 observer (Portugal) - Dublin resigned due to Financial issues No new members but expression of interest from Hannover, Roma
3. Progress report Other Working groups Accessibility PSO Questionnaires circulating On Heavy Rail contracts from AMMT Torino On integrated ticketing benefits SYPTE Sheffield EMTA 2010 EC- Action Plan measures, participation to working groups? Board Members meeting with new crews TRAN Committee/ DG TREN, DG Regio, DG- Environment with help of Brussels bureaus? European project? Others Spring General Assembly tentative date Thu 8-Fri 9 April at BKSZ Budapest Autumn General Meeting location ? And date ?
Thank you for your attention