Multidisciplinary educational program followed by telephone consoling in patients with chronic low back pain and disability Sedigheh Sadat Tavafian Associate.


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Presentation transcript:

Multidisciplinary educational program followed by telephone consoling in patients with chronic low back pain and disability Sedigheh Sadat Tavafian Associate Professor, Department of Health Education, School of Medicine, Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. Associate Professor, Department of Health Education, School of Medicine, Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. Tel: بنام خدا 124

Multidisciplinary educational program followed by telephone consoling in patients with chronic low back pain and disability O Background and objective: O Chronic low back pain major and most prevalent health problem. It is a bio psycho social health problem that leading to disability O Chronic low back pain is a major and most prevalent health problem. It is a bio psycho social health problem in the world that leading to disability. O This study O This study investigated the effect of education on disability in women with waist to 6 months after months after intervention with telephone counseling 3

O Methods: semi experimental Tehran University of Medical Sciences O This is a semi experimental study that was carried out in Rheumatology Research Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. O There were 27 eligible patients who suffering from chronic low back pain entered in the study 4 Multidisciplinary educational program followed by telephone consoling in patients with chronic low back pain and disability

O Methods: O All participants divided into groups of 6 to 8 members and were provided with a four-hour training session of physiotherapy and psychology followed by telephone counseling. O Roland-Morris Disability Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale O Roland-Morris Disability (RDQ) & Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QDS) questionnaires was completed at initial of the study and 6 months after intervention. Data were analyzed by independent Sample t-test and paired t-test. 5 Multidisciplinary educational program followed by telephone consoling in patients with chronic low back pain and disability

O Results: show significant O The findings obtained showed 6 months after the educational program with telephone counseling intervention in QDS & RDQ show significant differences physical disability. 6 Multidisciplinary educational program followed by telephone consoling in patients with chronic low back pain and disability

O Conclusion: O It seems the educational program with telephone counseling has an important role in decreasing the physical disability of women with low back pain. 7 Multidisciplinary educational program followed by telephone consoling in patients with chronic low back pain and disability

8 International Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain prevention (IJMPP)

9 Publisher Tarbiat Modares University Director-in-Charge Dr.SedighehSadat Tavafian Editor-in-Chief Dr.SedighehSadat Tavafian

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