Republic of Turkey, Northern Hemisphere, a country located at the intersection of European and Asian continents. The territory of the Anatolian peninsula, a large part of the country, with an extension of the rest of the Balkan Peninsula is located in Thrace. The country's three, as the Mediterranean, Black Sea and the straits linking two seas and the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean Sea and is surrounded. Neighbours Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Iraq and Syria. İran İran ile; güneyde Irak Irak ve Suriye Suriye ; ve batıda Ege Denizi Ege Denizi, Yunanistan Yunanistan ve Bulgaristan Bulgaristan ile komşudur. Türkiye'nin en büyük kentleri İstanbul İstanbul, Ankara Ankara, İzmir İzmir, Adana Adana, Bursa Bursa ve Konya Konya 'dır.
Ankara, capital of the Republic of Turkey, the world's 40th largest city. According to 2007 census population of 4,466,756 people. Most of the land is located in the Central Anatolia region of Ankara in the central city of Upper Sakarya. The average altitude of 890 m
Ankara, Ankara, Sakarya River, feeding the stream which passes the eastern edge of the plain has been established. Rod Plain, a fertile agricultural area surrounding the city. Skirts the steep slopes of the hill and have subsequently established the Ankara Citadel, the date of the sheltered area maneuvering against enemy attacks.
Eskisehir, Turkey, Central Anatolia Region, located in the center of the province of the same name. Badger Creek last center of the city, due to the presence of Anadolu University and Osmangazi University, a student in the appearance of the city. According to the city center, the total population of in 2008 is of this population is male and 'i are women
Eskisehir province, Turkey's capital Ankara and Central Anatolia Region is a province located west. Almost all of these provinces Meerschaum extraction. Anadolu and Osmangazi Universities hosts. In the province, has a significant population of Crimean Tatars origin. Dorlion'dur old name in history.
Central Anatolia Region - Eskisehir Text Sonmez About Elementary School - Text Sonmez Elementary School Presentation - Text Sonmez Elementary School Pictures - Elementary School Contact Us Text Text Sonmez Sonmez You Want to Know About School: Our school does not go out in 1998 and primary school eski ş ehir text, the text does not go eski ş ehir primary school, primary school eski ş ehir text does not go out school teachers, primary school eski ş ehir Sultandere, eski ş ehir Sultandere text does not go out the first school, the text does not go eski ş ehir Primary School meb gov tr, metinsönmez, the text does not go out of information about Primary School, primary school teachers, the text does not go out, about the information.
Text You Want to Know About Elementary School School in 1998, Sonmez Sultandere Sultandere Elementary School in the name of Public Housing in açıldı.2000, the primary inspector killed in line of duty "Text Sönmez" in the name verildi.Okulumuz currently 40 staff and 980 students are continuing with the education and training. our school, "Single-Gündüzlü" education uygulanmaktadır Education in our school opened in Stage 10 branches and 2 Stage 6 Şubeolmak vardır.Ayrıca a total of 8 class and 16 in the morning and lunch, including the branch has 2 main class branch. Text Sonmez Elementary School Information and contact address: Position in the school district: OdunpazarıOkulun Phone: School FAX: School Address: 75th YEAR MAH.UĞUR MUMCU CAD.NO: 2 School Web Address Only registered users can see links Or Become a member of the school's Address Book Entry: School Director: Sayyed Ali Aydoğmuş School Contact Information: 44 NO RED BUS (Sultandere-TIP FAK.) 44 NO BLUE BUS (Sultandere-SSK.HAS.) 44 NO MÜNİBÜSLER (Sultandere-OLD OTOGAR) 44 NO BUS BLACK (Sultandere-NEW OTOGAR own vehicle ESKİŞEHİR-Sultandere 13 KM TO REACH THE SCHOOL IS ARCELIK FAB.KARŞISINDAN returned. Metropol Inside / Out: Domestic Transportation Status: Highways Housing Availability: None in the region Rental Housing Status: No distress