The Sicilian puppet theatre
The Puppets The Sicilian puppets, born in the mid nineteenth century, are a particular type of puppet. Differently from the Italian ones made of wood and fabric they have a metal armour enriched with carvings, arabesques and embossings and the wire, which commanded the right hand of the puppet was replaced by an iron rod, so that the puppeter could make the marionette do more precise actions how to extract and put the sword back, hugging a woman, beat its chest or forehead with his fist, and lower the visor of the helmet; simultaneously clothes, coats and skirts were sewn with more and more beautiful and precious fabrics. The Sicilian puppets, born in the mid nineteenth century, are a particular type of puppet. Differently from the Italian ones made of wood and fabric they have a metal armour enriched with carvings, arabesques and embossings and the wire, which commanded the right hand of the puppet was replaced by an iron rod, so that the puppeter could make the marionette do more precise actions how to extract and put the sword back, hugging a woman, beat its chest or forehead with his fist, and lower the visor of the helmet; simultaneously clothes, coats and skirts were sewn with more and more beautiful and precious fabrics.
In Sicily, the puppet theatre takes on a unique characterization, both for the content and for the technique, which is called "the puppet theatre." The repertoire, usually in Sicilian dialect, refers primarily to the events of Orlando and the paladins of France. In Sicily, the puppet theatre takes on a unique characterization, both for the content and for the technique, which is called "the puppet theatre." The repertoire, usually in Sicilian dialect, refers primarily to the events of Orlando and the paladins of France.
For centuries the Sicilian puppets, cleverly animated by generations of "puppeters", have been the only source of education and one of the few opportunities for entertainment and fun for the lower classes,but they were also appreciated by the middle class. It has expressed the Sicilians’ ideology for decades: the audience listened passionately to the stories of chivalrous cycles, of bandits, of saints, of Shakespearean plots, finding there the hopes, the struggles, the victories, the defeats of existence. Every evening people watched the performance of a new episode of the cycle. For centuries the Sicilian puppets, cleverly animated by generations of "puppeters", have been the only source of education and one of the few opportunities for entertainment and fun for the lower classes,but they were also appreciated by the middle class. It has expressed the Sicilians’ ideology for decades: the audience listened passionately to the stories of chivalrous cycles, of bandits, of saints, of Shakespearean plots, finding there the hopes, the struggles, the victories, the defeats of existence. Every evening people watched the performance of a new episode of the cycle.
Historically the puppet theatre, as we know it today,was created as a representation of the clashes between the medieval knights and the Moors, around the second half of 1800, when the chivalrous marionettes, from which the puppets derive found popularity and began to interpret the feelings and aspirations of justice of a social class. Historically the puppet theatre, as we know it today,was created as a representation of the clashes between the medieval knights and the Moors, around the second half of 1800, when the chivalrous marionettes, from which the puppets derive found popularity and began to interpret the feelings and aspirations of justice of a social class.
The spread of this form of artistic expression, was favoured mainly by the "Storyteller" and "cuntastorie". The former, an itinerant artist, deals with the epic theme through singing, acting and mime, while the "cuntastorie" performs the same themes through the declamation, being a narrator who does not use any musical instrument, but uses to modulate his voice with a particular technique, passed down from generation to generation. The spread of this form of artistic expression, was favoured mainly by the "Storyteller" and "cuntastorie". The former, an itinerant artist, deals with the epic theme through singing, acting and mime, while the "cuntastorie" performs the same themes through the declamation, being a narrator who does not use any musical instrument, but uses to modulate his voice with a particular technique, passed down from generation to generation. Through the Puppet theatre high codes of conduct like chivalry and honour, the fight for justice and faith were transmitted, but also love affairs and the craving to excel were present. This theatrical form, despite its simplicity, has allowed in a certain sense, the spreading of the epic. Through the Puppet theatre high codes of conduct like chivalry and honour, the fight for justice and faith were transmitted, but also love affairs and the craving to excel were present. This theatrical form, despite its simplicity, has allowed in a certain sense, the spreading of the epic.
Recently the Unesco has declared the Puppet Theatre masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Recently the Unesco has declared the Puppet Theatre masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Today a few puppeteers are trying to keep the tradition alive, offering some shows for tourists or in real theatrical exhibition, among which Mimmo Cuticchio's company is among the most well known in Palermo for its extraordinary skill in the acting of the “cunto” (tale), on the rhytm of hits of sword. Today a few puppeteers are trying to keep the tradition alive, offering some shows for tourists or in real theatrical exhibition, among which Mimmo Cuticchio's company is among the most well known in Palermo for its extraordinary skill in the acting of the “cunto” (tale), on the rhytm of hits of sword.
Cuticchio’s theatre
Mancuso’s theatre