Friday, August 14, 2015 Print Management has helped organizations worldwide to significantly reduce the cost and environmental impact of clicking print.
Friday, August 14, 2015 Printing Facts 42 Percentage of global wood harvest dedicated to paper production 5.4 million Tons of paper consumed annually by U.S. companies Annual $ expense per-employee for printing/copying/imaging 10,000 Number of pages printed by the average employee each year $150,000 Cost to fill your car’s gas tank with inkjet ink
Friday, August 14, 2015 “How” Application “What” Document Name “Who” Printed “When” Date & Time PCS Director Analysis “Where” Printer & Port/IP
Friday, August 14, 2015 PCS Director Reports
Friday, August 14, 2015 Printing Rules Force printing on both sides of the page Limit end-user access Thousands more… "Our waste has decreased to less than approximately 8% and paper usage in total is now under control. I estimate Print Audit has reduced our cost of operation to one quarter of what it used to be, all this has easily been worth the price of admission“ George Herrera, University of Texas Redirect print volumes to lower cost device
Friday, August 14, Help Desk Communications - Job Size Limits - Green Initiatives More then 10 pages - print job cancelled (hard rule) 1 to 3 pages - OK to print to convenience printer 3+ pages – printed to low cost printer without interruption More than 3 pages but less then 10 – suggestion (soft rule)2+ pages to any printer – duplex suggestion (soft rule)Job sent to malfunctioning printer – Printer down! (hard rule) Printing Rules
Friday, August 14, 2015 Lets you know who, where and when sensitive documents were printed Block printing of certain documents i.e. financials.doc “I would recommend Print Audit who needs to keep track of what is getting printed and why.“ Christine Catanzaro, A/E/C Solutions Inc Printing Rules - Document Security
Friday, August 14, 2015 Security Rules User opens file called “Company Financials.docAttempts to print document If NO – Job is canceled If Yes – Job is tracked and Smart Alert sent
Friday, August 14, 2015 Regulatory Compliance Attain compliance for Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA and dozens of other government regulations. PCS Director Rules can significantly reduce the cost of litigation
Friday, August 14, 2015 Cost Recovery Chargeback printing to users/clients Set printing quotas Validate and restrict printer usage Limit costs or generate revenue "The software has generated enough income in one month to more than pay for itself. In addition, the revenue estimated for the next year was enough to offset the cost of some new equipment we needed for the upcoming year." Linda, Controller, First united Property Management
Friday, August 14, 2015 Transaction is recorded to database Invoice is generated and/or account debited Print job is initiated (any printer) PCS Director popup displays Cost Recovery
Friday, August 14, 2015 PCS Director Return On Investment What would you like to accomplish? How much will you save each month? What does your current print environment look like?
Friday, August 14, 2015 Thank You