Web access to Airwaves Traffic for account managers Airwaves Online is the new web application for account managers to create proposals online, and submit them to Airwaves Traffic for review and scheduling. Rates are stored in Airwaves for each Station/Timezone by day and week, and can be sourced from your rate management system, such as ProRate. Account managers can view avails for all stations online. When adding spots, warnings will be displayed for days that are oversold, or close to sell out. The sell out levels for each station can be set, so you can hold a reserve for those last minute orders. Set the number of “valid days” for a proposal before the rates should be refreshed. Account Managers can print their own proposal reports and print a summary report by probability of sale for all their proposals in the pipeline. They can view all details including credit and account balance information for their own clients, and see their client sales figures for past months. They can enter client calls, and print reminder reports to follow-up on sales leads. Let Airwaves Online focus your sales processes. Contact RCS for your customised presentation. proposals instant avails pdf reportsintegrates with Airwaves current rate cards Online radio bookings and client management powered by Airwaves Traffic
Real time data from Airwaves Traffic Extreme security! See only your own proposals and your own clients. Improve workflow – set warning triggers for avails, credit and leadtime Use rate cards from Airwaves Traffic – instant warnings if rates are low Instant access to current avails reduces oversell Customize the percentage sellout Immediate credit warnings Leadtime warnings reduce last minute panic Follow up date provides reminders Expiry date guarantees current rates Empower your sales team with Airwaves Online! Categorize proposals by probability of sale. Report probable revenue from proposals Track the approval process. Receive when it’s accepted or rejected Print your own proposals and to your client in pdf format Submit proposals for approval in Airwaves ReviewBox Review submitted bookings before acceptance - accept contracts with one click No rekeying reduces input errors – days & dates, maths Easy access to client data and sales history Client call management and reminders Server for the Airwaves database: Microsoft SQL Server and appropriate licensing Airwaves Airwaves database must be installed on SQL-Server Web Server Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 or later Microsoft IIS 5.0 or later.NET framework to be installed Airwaves Online Client PCs for web access: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later Acrobat Reader For further information about Airwaves Online please call your local RCS office, or RCS (NZ) Ltd Telephone Fax web: What you need to run Airwaves Online: Online radio bookings and client management powered by Airwaves Traffic