I.S. Nasipov Peculiarities of the Training System of Native Language Specialists in Educational Establishments of the Republic of Bashkortostan
The national flag of the Russian Federation and of the Republic of Bashkortostan
The education system of the Republic of Bashkortostan (State and local government agencies)
The national education is monitored permanently in the republic as 70% of school pupils is taught on the native language or study it as a subject, about 40% of schools are national. 137 gymnasiums and lyceums in the republic are 55 national gymnasiums: 43 Bashkir, 6 Tatar, 1 Chuvash and 1 Mari one. Children of different nationalities are taught in 4 gymnasiums and lyceums of the republican level, on the testing site there is being worked a model of Udmurt gymnasium.
are taught at comprehensive schools including Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Maris, Chuvashes, 2436 Ukrainians, 8917 other nationalities.
14 native languages are learnt as a subject: Bashkir, Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovian, German, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Jewish, Lettish, Polish, Armenian.
At schools schooling is held on 6 languages. On the whole, 22% of pupils of non-Russian nationalities are taught on the first language, 78% -on the Russian language.
Thus, 99,1% Bashkir pupils are taught on the Bashkir language and study it as a subject, 52,6% – Tatar, 57,9% – Chuvash,60% – Mari,58,8% – Udmurt, 26,4% – Mordovian. 71,4% of non-Russian pupils are taught on the native language or study it as a mother tongue. At institutions with mixed national students some native languages are taught in parallel classes.
The research of a new model of nationally-oriented educational institution in multinational republic resulted in opening 17 national Sunday schools. At these schools children have an opportunity to become familiar with their national culture and to study mother tongue together with the general education curriculum at comprehensive schools.Such schools function in Ufa – (Bashkir, Jewish, German, Polish, Chuvash, Armenian, Tatar – 2, Ukrainian – 2), in Sterlitamak – 2 (Chuvash, German ones), in Salavat (Ukrainian one), in Ishimbai – Chuvash, in Meleuz – Chuvash one. Each of them is unique in its traditions that are typical of the given national Sunday school.
In accordance with Law of republic Bashkortostan “About education” more than 87% of the whole number of non- Bashkir nationality pupils studies the Bashkir language as a state one.
At 525 preschool institutions more than 17,500 children are brought up on the first Bashkir language, at 326 institutions more than 8,500 – Tatar, at 30 institutions 839 – Chuvash.