Shoulder Biomechanics


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Presentation transcript:

Shoulder Biomechanics

Sternoclavicular and Acromioclavicular Joints SC Joint Saddle-type, but functions as ball & socket 4 ligaments Strong, but MOBILE ROM=60° elevation and 25-30° anterior and posterior movement AC Joint Plane synovial articulation Axioappendicular muscles cause acromion of scapula to rotate on acromial end of clavicle, which increases scapulothoracic joint movement SC Joint: Saddle-type joint, but functions as ball and socket 2 compartments divided by an articular disc Strong ligamentous attachments: dislocation of clavicle=unusual fracture of clavicle=common Surrounded by joint capsule with synovial membrane 4 ligaments: anterior sternoclavicular ligament posterior sternoclavicular ligament both reinforce joint capsule anteriorly and posteriorly interclavicular ligament strengthens capsule superiorly (sternal end to sternal end and over the superior border of the manubrium) costalclavicular ligament limits elevation of pectoral girdle (inferior surface of sternal end to 1st rib and its costal cartilage) Strong, but MOBILE ROM=60° elevation and 25-30° anterior and posterior movement AC Joint: Plane synovial articulation Articular surfaces of acromion and clavicle are separated by an articular disc Sleeve-like joint capsule with synovial membrane WEAK! –strengthened by trapezius fibers 4 ligaments: acromioclavicular ligament (acromion->clavicle) strengthens superiorly coracoclavicular ligament STRENGTH –prevents acromion from being drawn under clavicle (clavicle->coracoid process of scapula) conoid ligament (coracoid->conoid tubercle) trapezoid ligament (coracoid->trapezoid line) both provide the means at which the scapula and free limbs are (passively) suspended from the clavicle Axioappendicular muscles cause acromion of scapula to rotate on acromial end of clavicle, which increases scapulothoracic joint movement

Glenohumeral Joint (scapulohumeral &scapulothoracic) Ball & socket synovial joint WIDE ROM, mobile, UNSTABLE Cavity only accepts 1/3 of humeral head Held in cavity with rotator cuff muscles 3 ligaments Most freedom in body Lateral rotation of humerus increases abduction ROM Ball and socket, synovial, WIDE ROM, mobile, UNSTABLE Humeral head with glenoid cavity (with glenoid labrum) Hyaline cartilage Cavity only accepts 1/3 of humeral head Held in cavity by rotator cuff muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis Has a joint capsule with a synovial membrane inferior part=weakest no rotator support lax, lies in folds: ADducted taught: Abducted 3 ligaments strengthen anterior aspect of capsule: coracohumeral ligament STRONG –strengthens superiorly (coracoid process->anterior aspect of greater tubercle transversehumeral ligament BROAD (greater tubercle->lesser tubercle) -bridges over intertubercular groove coracoacromial ligament overlies head of humerus (coracoid->acromion) –prevents superior displacement from GH cavity ***coracoacromial arch is so strong that a forceful superior thrust of humerus will not fracture it! -shaft of humerus or clavicle fracture first! Most freedom in body laxity of joint capsule and bony fit movement in 3 axes (flex, ext, AB, AD, med rot, lat, rot, and circumduction) Lateral rotation of humerus increases abduction ROM (greater tubercle does not hit coracoacromial arch –shifted posteriorly) Stiffening or fixation of joints of the pectoral girdle results in a much more restricted ROM, even if the GH joint is normal Axioappendicular muscles move joint indirectly (pectoral girdle) Scapulohumeral muscles move the joint directly Shunt muscles: act to resist dislocation without producing movement at the joint, or maintain the head of humerus in the GH cavity ex: deltoid when arms are at side Usually all joints move simultaneously . Functional deficits in any impair overall pectoral girdle ROM. Mobility of the scapula is essential for elevation. The initial 30° of ROM can occur without scapular motion in elevation, but then a 2:1 ration occurs. Scapulohumeral Rhythm=for every 3° of elevation, 2° occurs at the GH joint and 1° occurs at the ST joint.

Clavicular Elevation (SC joint) Elevation & Depression Clavicular elevation /depression(SC) Subtle anterior/posterior tipping (AC) Subtle internal/external rotation (AC) Upward & Downward Rotation (abd/add) 2:1 humoral:scapular Upward/downward rotation (AC) Clavicular elevation/depression (SC) Subtle posterior/anterior rotation (SC) Protraction & Retraction Clavicular protraction/retraction (SC) Winging Excessive internal rotation (AC) Scapula loss of contact with thorax, medial border prominence results Clavicular Elevation (SC joint) Winging Upward Rotation (AC) Protraction (SC)

Hawkins-Kennedy Test Neer Impingement Test Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Trunk to Head Trunk to scapula Trunk to Humerus Shoulder Girdle to Humerus SCM Subclavius   Trapezius Levetor scapulae Serratus anterior Rhomboids major & minor Pectoralis minor Latissimus dorsi Pectoralis major Deltoideus Subscapularis* Supraspinatus* Infraspinatus* Teres minor* Teres major Scapular Movement Muscles Producing Movement Elevation Trapezius (superior part) Levator Scapulae Rhomboids Depression Pectoralis major (inferior sternocostal head) Latissimus Dorsi Trapezius (inferior part) Serratus anterior (inferior part) Pectoralis minor Protraction Serratus anterior Pectoralis major/minor Retraction Trapezius (middle part) Latissimus dorsi Upward Rotation Downward Rotation Levator scapulae Tests: Hawkins-Kennedy  Test Neer Impingement Test

Research Article Evaluated the effectiveness of FES in shoulder subluxation and pain for patients who have developed hemiplegia due to stroke Shoulder pain measured during resting, passive range of motion (PROM) and active range of motion (AROM) using visual analog scale (VAS) 50 patients with shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain randomly split into either the study group or the control group FES applied to supraspinatus and posterior deltoid muscles Study groupconventional rehabilitation therapy and applied FES Control group conventional rehabilitation therapy Results decreased subluxation levels in the study group compared to the control group Conclusion Conventional therapy with FES is more beneficial than just conventional therapy alone when examining shoulder subluxation This article looks at the effects of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for the treatment of shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain in hemiplegic patients Subluxation is partial or incomplete dislocation. The humeral head slips out of the glenoid cavity due to weakness in the rotator cuff or a force/blow to the shoulder area The term hemiplegic means paralysis of one side of the body, and in this case, is due to trauma, stroke or tumors. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is the “stimulation of muscles with disturbed nerve function by an electrical current to achieve functional and beneficial movement”  The effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation for the treatment of shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain in hemiplegic patients: A randomized control trial   Koyuncu, E., Nakipoglu-Tuzer, G., Dogan, A., and Ozgirgin, N. (2010). The effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation for the treatment of shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain in hemiplegic patients: A randomized controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32 (7), 560-566

Shoulder Instability Most common are anterioinferior capsololabral auvlsions (Degen,2013), more commonly known as Bankart Lesions Glenoid Bone Grafting Bristow Coracoid Transfer Latarjet Coracoid Transfer (subscapularis)

References Degen, R. M., Giles, J. W., Thompson, S. R., Litchfield, R. B., & Athwal, G. S. (2013). Biomechanics of Complex Shoulder Instability. Clinics In Sports Medicine, 32(4), 625-636. doi:10.1016/j.csm.07.002 Itoi E, Lee SB, Berglund LJ, et al. (2000). The Effect of a Glenoid Defect on Anteroinferior Stability of the Shoulder After Bankart Repair: a cadaveric study. J Bone Joint Surg Am,82(1), 35–46. Koyuncu, E., Nakipoglu-Tuzer, G., Dogan, A., and Ozgirgin, N. (2010). The effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation for the treatment of shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain in hemiplegic patients: A randomized controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(7), 560- 566 Moore, K., Agur, A., and Dalley, A. . (2015). Essential Clinical Anatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 5, 465-69 Netter. F. (2014). Atlas of Human Anatomy. Saunders Elsevier, (6), 405-411, 417 Tortora, G., Derrickson, B. (2012) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. Biological Science Textbook Inc, 13, 614-615.