Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes
1. Current Events (Set 13) 2. December S.O.A. 3. Executive Branch 4. Checks & Balances 5. Branches Review 6. Test Friday Today’s History Standard is 8.2 Monday, 3 December 2012 Planner page 54 front back
Tuesday, 4 December Current Event #2 2. Checks & Balances 3. Branches flip chart 4. Constitution Matrix Today’s History Standard is 8.2 Planner page 54
Wednesday, 5 December Constitution HW Project 2. Bill of Rights Challenge 3. Constitution Matrix 4. Current Event #3 Today’s History Standard is 8.2 Planner page 54
Thursday, 6 December Current Event #3 2. Jeopardy I 3. Constitution Matrix 4. Constitution Scavenger Hunt 5. Test Tomorrow Today’s History Standard is 8.2 Planner page 54
Friday, 7 December Current Event #4 2. Jeopardy II 3. Constitution Test 4. Scavenger Hunt 5. Word Search Today’s History Standard is 8.2 Planner page 54
Current Events (Set 13) 1. “Kill Bill? Congress Debates Another “Bill” to Replace Paper with Dollar Coins to Save Money.” Government Accounting Office (GAO) claims $4 billion in savings and a 4-year phase in/out period. Coins last about 30 years, bills only 5; but Mint would have to produce more than we use because of collectors Treasury Seal Scales = balanced budget Key: to the U.S. Treasury 2 circles = Great Seal Pyramid dark = West Eye = providence / divinity Annuit Coeptis = God favors us Novus Ordo Seclorum = New Order has begun Beak = “E Pluribus Unum” stars Talons = Olive Branch & Arrows (peace & war)
Current Event #2 2. “President Obama Warns Syrian President Against Use of Chemical Weapons in Civil War.” President says, “World is watching,” and U.S. will not remain neutral & respond if ‘red line’ is crossed. Intelligence indicates Sarin gas may be used to attack rebel and civilian populations Chemical Weapons Treaty (1993)
Current Event #3 3. “Freedom of the Press? NY Post Faces Outrage Over Front-Page Photo of Man About to Die.” Man pushed onto tracks by aggressive panhandler (charged with murder) and killed by subway train. Onlookers / witnesses tried to alert train driver…what could the photographer have done?
Current Event #4 4. “A Day That Will Live in Infamy: Americans Remember on 71 st Anniversary of Pearl Harbor.” Japan’s sneak attack (12/7/1941) on Hawaii naval base marked entry of the U.S. into World War II. 2,408 men died and 1,178 were wounded, 12 ships sunk, 323 aircraft destroyed Zero Tomb & Memorial
Three Branches of Government House State’s population (435) Term: 2 years Minimum age: 25 Citizenship: 7 years Residency: elected state Senate 2 per state (100) Term: 6 years Minimum age: 30 Citizenship: 9 years Residency: inhabitant of state Term: life Appointed by President (9) Approved by: Senate Minimum age: none Citizenship: U.S. Term: 4 years Limit: 2 terms = 8 years Minimum age: 35 Citizenship natural born Residency: 14 years Voted by: citizens Chosen by Electoral College Legislative / Congress Executive / President Judicial / Supreme Court
Three Branches of Government Enumerated Powers (required) 1. Taxes, Coin money, counterfeiting 2. Regulate commerce, trade & patents 3. Citizenship (naturalization) – 5 years 4. Declare war, Approve Treaties Implied Powers (“flexible”) 5. “Make all laws necessary & proper” * Hamilton = broad authority & power (flexible = loose interpretation) * Jefferson = narrow authority & power (inflexible = strict interpretation) What do they do? Responsibilities Legislative Congress House Senate “Article 1” Section 8
Three Branches of Government Can sign or veto (reject) Laws Carries out & enforces laws Negotiates treaties Appoints Judges & Ambassadors Selects cabinet secretaries Can issue executive orders & pardons What do they do? Responsibilities Executive Branch President Vice Pres Cabinet Article 2
Three Branches of Government Reviews laws for Constitutionality Can declare President’s actions unconstitutional Reviews lower court cases Operates courts of appeal Impeachment Trials = Chief Justice presides Decides cases of Treason What do they do? Responsibilities Judicial Branch Supreme Court Federal Courts Article 3
Constitution Collage Due: Friday (12/14) B = 6 pictures plus captions & descriptions – 1 representing the Preamble (1 of the 6 goals) – 1 representing the Legislative Branch – 1 representing the Executive Branch – 1 representing the Judicial Branch – 1 representing one of the Bill of Rights (1-10) – 1 representing another Amendment (11-27) A = 10 pictures plus captions – 4 free choice pictures & descriptions – Preamble, or any Branch or Amendment
Constitution Collage This is President Obama meeting with the Prime Minister of Iraq. He is acting as Chief of State and meeting with a world leader Executive Branch: Article II Legislative Branch: Article I This is the House of Representatives. They are voting in Congress and deciding whether or not an idea called a “Bill” will become a law. 13 th Amendment The 13 th Amendment abolished slavery after the Civil War. It made slavery illegal and freed slaves in the South.
Constitution Collage The Supreme Court reviews laws to make sure they are Constitutional. The Justices also can declare an act of the President unconstitional. Judicial Branch: Article III The Preamble: Provide for the Common Defense One goal of the government stated in the Preamble is to protect and defend the United States. The government has military forces like the Army, Navy and Marine Corps to do this. 2 nd Amendment The 2 nd Amendment protects all Americans of legal age to own or possess certain types of firearms for our own protection or use.