Robert Mankowski Bentley Solutions for Water and Wastewater Engineering, Modeling, and Management Robert Mankowski Bentley
Agenda Product Context Product Portfolio Questions Water Wastewater Storm Water Questions
Geospatial Architecture Work Management System Operational Support Systems Bentley Cadastre Bentley Fiber, Copper, Coax, Inside Plant Bentley Water, Storm, Sewer, Bentley Expert Designer Bentley Multi Utility ArcGIS SmallWorld ArcFM Bentley Electric Bentley Descartes Bentley I/RAS B PowerMap Field for Comms Bentley Map PowerMap PowerMap Field MicroStation with Geospatial Extension Connectors Bentley Geospatial Server DGN XFM DGN Attribute DB Spatial DB RDBMS (Spatial) Geo Web Publisher Geo Web Publisher for Comms
Product Context
Business Drivers Aging Infrastructure Developing Infrastructure American Society of Civil Engineers gives the United States a D- in Drinking Water and Wastewater Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEA) rates infrastructure “below average to poor” Institution of Civil Engineers rates U.K.’s infrastructure as “fair” Developing Infrastructure 43% of households in major African cities connected to water system (92% in Europe) 18% for sewer (92% in Europe)
Business Drivers Regulation and Legislation Clean Water Act GASB 34 - Value of assets (Pipelines > 50%) Possible legislation - $15 billion over 5 years w/ preference towards systems with “asset management plans” GAO Report (March 2004) - Urging EPA to encourage use of asset management CMOM – Capacity, Management, Operations and Maintenance ANZ and UK - Utility operators subject to renewable license to operate Privatization of water systems Efficient operations Rate control
Asset Management An integrated optimization process of “managing infrastructure assets to minimize the total cost of owning and operating them, while continuously delivering the service levels customers desire, at an acceptable level of risk.”
Technology Involved Mapping System (GIS) Analysis Tools Asset Registry Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Work Management System (WMS) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Customer Information System (CIS) Financial and Accounting and more…
GIS System (Bentley Water) Analysis Tool (Bentley WaterGEMS)
Product Portfolio
Water Resources Products Water Distribution Bentley Water Bentley WaterGEMS Bentley WaterCAD Bentley HAMMER Sanitary Sewer Bentley Wastewater Bentley SewerGEMS Bentley SewerCAD Storm Water Bentley Wastewater Bentley CivilStorm Bentley StormCAD Bentley PondPack Bentley CulvertMaster Bentley FlowMaster
Bentley Water Geospatial Asset Management for Water Systems Rule-based annotation Cell placement with annotation Bulk assignment of attribute to like elements Automatic plan and profile generation Automatic service load calculations Sideviews/pipe terrain profiles Node diagrams Thematic presentation of data Ability to group features into a work order Ability to isolate valves to close List consumers out of service based on valve state Analysis of directed, weighted, linear networks Creation and editing of network entities Shortest path, radial searches, trace forward, trace-back Annotate automatically from database attributes Generate buffers and zones for analysis Measurement tools for distance, area, and volume Query spatial and ancillary data for selected elements Utilize Oracle Spatial data for enterprise data access Add grids and legends to mapping data Utilize powerful raster tools for image backdrops Thematic representation of attributes and graphics Supports high-resolution output to printers and plotters User-defined attributes Integrated Map Management Oracle Spatial compatibility Image Integration Data Import/Export functions Publish network data via Bentley Publisher
Bentley Water Bentley Water XFM All new Bentley Water built on XFM and Bentley Map Incorporating some analysis capabilities from Bentley WaterGEMS/WaterCAD Available ~Q1 2007
WaterGEMS and WaterCAD WaterGEMS V8 XM edition ArcGIS platform WaterCAD V8 XM edition LoadBuilder Terrain Extraction ModelBuilder Windows Stand-alone Included MicroStation platform Available Add-ons Darwin Calibrator Darwin Designer Skelebrator WaterSAFE AutoCAD platform SCADAConnect – Available Add-on for All Product Variations
WaterGEMS / WaterCAD Water distribution design and modeling Criticality Analysis Automated fire flow analysis Source trace and water age analysis Active topology alternatives Variable speed pumping Constituent water quality analysis Drawing review tools System head & hydrant curves Tank mixing models Rule-based & logical controls Elevation Extraction (AutoCAD version) Leakage and sprinkler modeling Capital cost & energy analysis Comprehensive demand management Shapefile synchronized connections CAD to model automated conversion Statistical result analysis Persistent database connections Sub model management Pressure Dependent Demands Integration with HAMMER for transient analysis Animated pump and head loss curves MicroStation, Stand-Alone, ArcGIS, & AutoCAD Quick model building from any data source Easy-to-use layout and editing tools Unrivaled hydraulic analysis features Stunning results presentation tools
Bentley’ Haestad Solution Center - Watertown, CT - V8 XM Edition Bentley’ Haestad Solution Center - Watertown, CT - Major release from Bentley’s Haestad Solution Center All-new technology Free for SELECT subscribers Upgrade pricing available What’s v8 all about? Speed Designed to support all-pipe models Interoperability The only truly interoperable model in the market Usability Easier than ever (believe it or not!) New features Dozens of new features to maximize your ROI
v8 in a Nutshell Interoperability and GUI WaterCAD V8 XM Edition All new ArcGIS platform All new MicroStation platform All new stand-alone platform Enhanced thematic mapping GIS-style symbology Contouring control center Background layer control Full GUI customization WaterGEMS V8 XM Edition ArcGIS interface shown
Bentley Water / WaterGEMS Demo
HAMMER Transient analysis and water hammer modeling Avoid catastrophic failure of pipes & equipment Use the rigorous Method of Characteristics Model any transient event Simulate any surge protection device Complete integration with WaterGEMS/CAD Prevent system damage Develop cost-effective surge control strategies Trim construction and O&M budgets Model any surge protection device Minimize wear and tear on pipes Simulate any transient condition Design and operate with greater reliability Eliminate costly over design Ensure the longevity of your water system Prepare for power failures Improve water quality Minimize service interruptions
HAMMER Coming Attractions Fully integrated (more than interoperable) with WaterGEMS All new WaterGEMS v8 user interface, data modeling, scenarios, reporting, etc
Bentley Wastewater Geospatial Asset Management for Sewer Systems Rule-based annotation Cell placement with annotation Bulk assignment of attribute to like elements Automatic plan and profile generation Automatic service load calculations Sideviews/pipe terrain profiles Node diagrams Thematic presentation of data Ability to group features into a work order Ability to isolate valves to close List consumers out of service based on valve state Analysis of directed, weighted, linear networks Creation and editing of network entities Shortest path, radial searches, trace forward, trace-back Annotate automatically from database attributes Generate buffers and zones for analysis Measurement tools for distance, area, and volume Query spatial and ancillary data for selected elements Utilize Oracle Spatial data for enterprise data access Add grids and legends to mapping data Utilize powerful raster tools for image backdrops Thematic representation of attributes and graphics Supports high-resolution output to printers and plotters User-defined attributes Integrated Map Management Oracle Spatial compatibility Image Integration Data Import/Export functions Publish network data via Bentley Publisher
Bentley Wastewater XFM All new Bentley Water built on XFM and Bentley Map Incorporating some analysis capabilities from Bentley SewerGEMS/SewerCAD Available ~Q2 2007
Available for MicroStation SewerGEMS Available for MicroStation Sanitary and Combined Dynamic Sewer Modeling Multi platform environment Dynamic modeling Automatic sanitary loading allocation Sanitary and combined sewer system element
SewerGEMS Demo
SewerCAD Sanitary and wet-weather modeling Sanitary Sewer Design & Modeling Sanitary and wet-weather modeling Steady-state & Extended Period Pressure & gravity systems Automated design for pipes & inlets
Available for MicroStation CivilStorm Available for MicroStation Fully-dynamic stormwater analysis Model in geospatial environments Analyze complex stormwater systems Optimize system performance Present comprehensive results Experience the dynamic calculation engine Stand-Alone and AutoCAD interface Fully-dynamic modeling Interconnected system modeling Water quality assessments Complex flow regime analysis NPDES permit modeling Scaled layout in Stand-Alone interface Variety of methods for computing runoff Profile manager Scenario manager Comprehensive engineering libraries Model looped systems and diversions Attenuate hydrographs due to storage
CivilStorm Demo
StormCAD Storm sewer modeling and design Capital cost analysis Rational method hydrology Gradually-varied flow analysis HEC-22 methodology Drawing review tools Shapefile synchronized connections Persistent database connections Scenario manager Scaled and schematic layout Background support for model layout CAD to model automated conversions Profile manager HEC-22 and AASHTO detailed reports Curved pipe alignments System capacity analysis Accepted by FEMA Stand-Alone & AutoCAD interface Quick model building tools Easy-to-use layout & editing tools Automated system design Stunning result presentation tools
PondPack Detention pond design and urban hydrology analysis Automate pond and outlet design Track project history Model interconnected ponds Account for travel time and time of concentration Perform complete system analyses Interconnected pond modeling Limited water quality analysis Detailed graphing and reporting ProjectWise integration Accepted by FEMA Intuitive interface Unlimited number of storm events Industry-standard runoff methods Time of concentration calculator Numerous peak flow methods Water quality BMP calculations
FlowMaster CulvertMaster Culvert Design & Analysis Model any situation that requires the design or evaluation of a culvert using HDS-5 methods, including roads, driveways, embankments, etc. FlowMaster Hydraulics calculator Evaluate the hydraulics of virtually any type of hydraulic structure, including pipes, ditches, open channels, weirs, orifices, and inlets.
Questions? Robert Mankowski Director of Product Management Geospatial Platform and Municipal Products