Title III Supplementary staff Specialists for ESL, Paras for TWI and Counselor Tutoring Summer School Campus funds for improving student achievement Parent Involvement activities Supplies and materials Indirect costs Program Requirements: Increase the English proficiency of LEP children Provide professional development Total Allocation: $688,139.00
Bilingual Education Campus funds for improving student achievement Parent Involvement activities Supplies and Materials Staff Development Tutoring Summer School Program Requirements: Staff Development Funds Must be used in providing bilingual education or special language programs PK/K Summer School Total Allocation: $566,963.00
Title I, Part C Migrant Recruiter/ Building Bridges / Counselor Student Tuition School Supplies Uniforms/Sweaters Transportation Summer School Program Requirements: Migrant Service Coordination Early Childhood Education New Generation System Parent Involvement Identification and Recruitment Secondary Credit Exchange Total Allocation: $216,323.00
Title I, Part A Allotment for campuses based on number of economically disadvantaged students Supplementary staff Support for improving academic achievement During and after school tutoring Intervention Programs Summer programs Supplementary campus funds for improving student achievement Parent Involvement activities Pre-K support training/materials Homeless supplies Non-profit private school consultation participation Program Requirements: Parent Involvement Staff Development Improvement of academic achievement Ensure teachers are highly qualified Private Non-Profit Schools Total Allocation: $5,564,311.00
Title II, Part A Secondary Math/Science Specialists Content Staff Development for teachers Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Technology Languages other than English Teacher certification and recruitment in critical shortage areas; Math, Science, Bilingual, Special Education Indirect costs Program Requirements: Increasing academic achievement by improving teacher/principal quality and retention, increasing highly qualified teachers Hold schools accountable for improving student academic achievement Total Allocation: $919,934.00
Curriculum & Instruction Local Budget (199) Employee Extra Duty - Professionals General supply needs for office management Course Guide printing, misc. printing, copy machine maintenance for designated copy machines at Zotz and Administration Travel for Associate Superintendent and clerical staff Local budget also used for supplementary office supplies (paper, ink etc.) Local budget for Curriculum & Instruction office management Total Local: $72,728.00
State Comp Ed Funds 2011: $374,000 in comp ed discretionary funds were given to campuses to support their campus-wide academic programs as described in their CIP. 2012: Plans are to continue as in the past, subject to availability of state funds.
McKinney Vento Grant: Texas State Homeless Education Program (TEXSHEP) The extra funding we get from TEXSHEP is used to support the following activities: Tutorials School Uniforms/Emergency Clothing School Supplies Emergency Food/Medicine Tuition for Summer School, Dual Credit Classes, etc. After School Programs Transportation Case Management Referrals Staff Development
TEXSHEP Funds 2011: GPISD received an initial allocation of $39,900; this was followed by a reallocation of $18,000, for a total of $57,900 for this school year. 2012: GPISD will be in the third year of a three year grant cycle, and so we are slated to receive at least our initial allocation of $39,900.
QUESTIONS ABOUT SCE OR TEXSHEP You may contact Mark Goza if you have any questions about State Comp Ed (SCE) or Texas State Homeless Education Program funds at any time at extension 1030, by cell phone at , or by
Special Education Additional teachers and para- professionals, support staff Contracted services for day school placements for students whose academic/behavioral needs cannot be met in district Contracts sheltered work program, deaf- ED coop for students Instructional materials, assistive technology adaptive equipment Staff development co-teach/collaborative model, SIOP, classroom management Program Requirements: Provide services to students with disabilities Total Allocation: $3,316,009.00