Our Lady of Lourdes High School Religion 9 Spring 2014 Mrs. Safford.


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Presentation transcript:

Our Lady of Lourdes High School Religion 9 Spring 2014 Mrs. Safford

 What was the Blessed Virgin Mary with Christ and his Church during his earthly life?  Why is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the New Eve?

The Blessed Virgin Mary:  Made possible the Incarnation  Inaugurated Christ’s public life at the Wedding of Cana  Shared in the Passion at the foot of the Cross  Prayed with the Church at the Birth of Pentecost.  Video: Mary, Did You Know? Video: Mary, Did You Know?

 The Blessed Virgin Mary is the New Eve whose fiat brought God into the world in the fullness of time.  With complete humility and submission, the Blessed Virgin Mary said “Yes” to God’s will and brought salvation into the world. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the thus the New Eve accomplishing what Eve could not.

You will create a Facebook page for the Blessed Virgin Mary or any Saint who has seen an apparition of Mary using a ½ sheet of a poster board or by using Fakebook. You may include pictures, a conversation she may have had, friends of Mary, feast days etc. This will count as a TEST grade. Be Creative!!!!

 Why is the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God?  What is the Immaculate Conception?

 In the generation of a new human person, parents give their child a body, and God directly infuses the child’s soul. Nevertheless, the parents are the parents of the entire child.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is the origin of the human body of Christ, thus she is the Mother of the whole person of Christ, who is the divine Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, possessing two natures: human and divine.

 The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, at the very instant of her conception, by a unique grace and privilege of the omnipotent God, and in consideration of the merits of Christ Jesus, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin. This is the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.  Video: What is the Immaculate Conception? Video: What is the Immaculate Conception?

Write the definitions on a piece of paper to hand in.  Annunciation  Assumption  Betrothed  Co-Redemptrix  Divine Motherhood  Dogma  Epiphany  Gabriel  Glorious Mysteries  Immaculate Conception

 Intercessor  Joyful Mysteries  Lourdes  Luminous Mysteries  Mediatrix  Nazareth  Perpetual Virginity  Simeon  Sorrowful Mysteries  Virgin Birth

 What is the Doctrine of Perpetual Divinity?  What is the Dogma of the Assumption?

 The Blessed Virgin Mary was a true Virgin when she conceived Christ, and she remained a Virgin for the rest of her life, underscoring the importance of virginity and her supernatural maternity.

 Having completed the course of her earthly life, the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven.  Video: The Assumption of Mary Video: The Assumption of Mary

 Because of her singular way in which she cooperated in Christ’s Mediation and Redemption, the Blessed Virgin Mary is able to intercede for people as Mediatrix and Co- redemptrix?  Video: Why We Pray to Mary? Video: Why We Pray to Mary?

 What does it mean to say the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of Church and every Christian?  How is the Blessed Virgin Mary Mediatrix and Co-redemptrix?

 Because Mary is the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ (the Church), and of every Christian.

 Mary, Did You Know? Sung by Clay Aiken. Posted by Trent DeWhite on 4/14/06 at  The Assumption of Mary. Joe Aboumoussa. Posted on 8/9/12 at  What is the Immaculate Conception? Joe Aboumoussa. Posted on 5/6/12 at  Why We Pray to Mary. Posted by 1Hope4All on 2/2/08 at  Book: Armenio, Rev. Peter. Faith and Revelation: The Blessed Trinity. 1 st ed. Woodridge: Midwest Theological Forum,  Pictures were taken from various sources via Google images