The Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center for Social Work Research, School of Social Work The University of Texas at Austin Celebrating its 5 th anniversary!
IDVSA’s Mission To advance the knowledge base related to domestic violence and sexual assault in order to end interpersonal violence.
3 Goals Drive IDVSA’s Efforts Goal 1: Research: Develop and conduct empirically-based research that adds to the knowledge about the impact of violence on the lives of women and children. Goal 2: Education. Develop and implement a specialized, multidisciplinary training program and curricula that ultimately enhances the quality of services delivered to victims. Goal 3: Public Outreach and Collaboration. Focus the Institute’s efforts on research and training that is relevant to practice, and provide easy access to information gathered and developed by research participants.
Research Accomplishments Raised $1.7 million to conduct 23 research projects Secured $250,000 in re-occurring funding from Texas Legislature for sexual assault research
Research Accomplishments Awarded $40,000 in “seed grants” to 8 researchers from social work, anthropology and psychology
Education Accomplishments Curriculum Infusion Project: provided information on domestic violence and sexual assault to students in social work, women’s studies, psychology, sociology, nursing, law and English.
Education Accomplishments Academic Courses and Internships 18 classes taught with nearly 500 students. 250 students in related independent studies. 60 students in research to practice projects. 63 social work or law student internships 300 students as peers at the Survivors Support Network
Education Accomplishments Presentations and Publications 44 presentations to 10,000 people 33 published articles 4 National Seminars Trapped by Poverty/Trapped by Abuse Opening a Closed World, What Constitutes Effective Prison Oversight Establishing Expertise as an Expert Witness
Collaboration Accomplishments 150 affiliates from state and local organizations Active member of Coalitions and Task Forces
Vision Realized Projects start in collaboration with the field and are returned to the field to enhance victim services and increase our understanding to help end violence.
Research to Practice to Service Thousands of professionals and students directly served. Untold numbers of victims and survivors indirectly served by impact of services to survivors from more knowledgeable practice. Positive community response made IDVSA a “go-to” place for research.
Current Projects Setting the Sexual Assault Research Agenda for Texas Evaluation of Texas Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Toolkit Texas Human Trafficking Evaluation Study Curriculum for a Residential School for Child and Youth Survivors of Human Trafficking
For more information, just remember IDVSA Find us on the web Google “IDVSA” OR us at