JOSH COCHRAN SHANNON DELBOZQUE SAMUEL HAWLEY Sprint's Outstanding Overdrive The mobile Wi-Fi hotspot can connect five devices via 3G and 4G networks By Cliff EdwardsCliff Edwards
Sprint History Sprint founder Cleyson Brown begins Brown Telephone Company Brown Telephone Company becomes Sprint and launches first Public Data Network 1992-Makes history as first carrier to offer commercial Internet access 2004-Sprint Nextel merger is announced Sprint's Outstanding Overdrive
Sprint History Legacy of Innovation Completed the first nationwide, 100% digital, fiber-optic network First carrier to offer commercial Internet access First major company to provide local, long distance and wireless services First carrier to provide access to live streaming video Sprint's Outstanding Overdrive
Sprint Nextel Corporation Background Customer-focused company strategy Nation's largest independent local telephone provider No. 3 U.S. carrier behind Verizon Wireless and AT&T Two wireless networks serving more than 48 million customers Sprint's Outstanding Overdrive
Chapter 4-Evaluating the Competition Oligopolistic competitive market structure Few major carriers in U.S. with especially fierce competition between Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and Sprint Any action of one seller is noticed and reacted to by the other sellers Competition for target customers based on: Price for benefits offered and service offered Product selection and location or access Customer experience Sprint's Outstanding Overdrive
Strengths Weaknesses Connect 5 wifi devices Easy to use Great for traveling Display screen Data usage Connection speed Limited battery life Limited use of 4G Reverts to 3G in weak signaled areas Sprint's Outstanding Overdrive
Sprint Leap-Frogs Previous technologies Verizon MiFi As many as 5 Wi-Fi enabled devices $100 after $50 rebate w/ 2-year service agreement Access to Verizon mobile 3G network Only weighs 2.05 oz Competition
Sources mar2010/tc _ htm mar2010/tc _ htm