Albuquerque, NM Honolulu, HI Grand Canyon, AZ Los Angeles, CA Colorado River
Geographical feature To differ from Landscape Sparsely populated Rainbow Continental state Contiguous states Most populous It is home to To chase To catch To capture To fight with To jump To hit (with your hand, fist, car etc.) To kick (kicking is done with the foot) Downhill skiing/cross- country skiing To go snowboarding To get married in Las Vegas, in a chapel, at city hall
More Vocabulary To scold someone, e.g. The father scolds his son. To ride a horse To fall down To run for help To climb a mountain Island, e.g. Hawaii, Japan, Madagascar etc. To walk the line, colloquial expression (вести себя хорошо) To play a musical instrument, to play the guitar, the piano, the violin To play basketball To throw a ball Braid (also to braid. She braided her friend’s hair.) to have braids or wear one’s hair in braids Glasses. To wear glasses. To be know for/ to be famous for. Alaska is famous for its cold climate. To burn, to burn down Oar (also paddle) To row a boat, canoe (also to paddle a boat, canoe etc.)
States in the West Alaska Hawaii Washington Oregon California Arizona Nevada Idaho Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado New Mexico
The Western US has many different geographical features. In the southern states of the Western US, the climate is hot and dry all year while in the northern states, summers are warm but winters are cold and snowy.
Each state differs from the others. Arizona and New Mexico are know for their dry, hot desert climate and The Grand Canyon. There are also several large American Indian Reservations in Arizona and New Mexico.
Washington and Oregon are both known for their rainy, wet climates and beautiful coastlines. The city of Seattle is located in Washington. Seattle was the center of the Grunge music scene in the 1990’s.
Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are very mountainous and known for the beauty of their landscapes. These states are more sparsely populated than other continental Western states.
California is the most populous US state. It is home to many large cities (Los Angeles and San Francisco) and national parks. Nevada is home to Las Vegas, famous for its casinos and theaters. Nevada is also known for its deserts.
Colorado is famous for its mountains and ski resorts. There is a famous independent film festival Sundance which is held in Park City, Utah every year. Utah is also famous for the religious group the Mormons who live there.
Alaska and Hawaii were the last states to enter the Union. Alaska is located to the west of the Canadian province of British Columbia. Hawaii is an island chain located in the Pacific Ocean. It is a popular tourist destination.
What are the names of the western states? What is the climate (or weather) like in these states? Which western state do you want to visit? Why? Do you like rainbows? Why? Do you like to ski? Where do you ski? Do you go sledding? Do you like to swim? Where do you usually swim?