Inca Civilization Barker
Geography Began in Cuzco Terrian was rugged: Andes mountains the coastline deserts, the Amazon jungle. The mountains and Amazon both acted as a natural barrier The Andes ran north to south along the western side of south America
Adaptations to Geography Inca built bridges between mountain peaks and over deep gorges. These bridges were made of sturdy vines Terrace faming in the Mountains Aqueducts to carry water
Rise of the Incas Emperor was considered descendant of the sun god Land was divided into 4 provinces Strong central government need to maintain large empire. Tributes were paid in the form of labor tax Lands were conquered & immediately divided & redistributed- some went to the Emperor, some to the people, and some to the sun god Captured peoples were required to learn and use Quechua- the official language Local leaders were appointed by emperor Children of local leaders were educated in Cuzco & then returned to their villages
Economics All people grew created what they needed- all excess was collected by the government & stored for people or soldiers in case of disaster/need Storehouses were located along the highways Everyone worked for the government as well as for their own family’s needs Labor tax- everyone worked for the government for several weeks each year No trade because the government collected and redistributed everything Command economy no money, no credit; only small mounts of local bartering
Social Structure The Sapa Inca owned everything. He ruled everything. He made all the laws. He was all powerful. Emperor (incarnation of sun god) Head Priest & Head of army Regional army leaders Temple priests, local army leaders & skilled workers Farmers, herders, soldiers Slaves- not as widely practiced as in other civilizations
Religion Polytheistic Mummification Sacrifices- llamas, cloth, food, occasionally people
Why did the Inca civilization decline Spanish explorers came to conquer lands Interaction between Atahualpa & Pizzaro Incan swords were no match for Spanish guns Small pox spread throughout empire
Achievements Roads Temples Suspension bridges Quipu Jewelry Calendar Terrace farming Medicine Domestication/use of llamas