What do you need to know?
My child has taken SOLs before… If your child has already taken 3 rd and 4 th grade SOL tests, then 5 th grade SOL tests will not be very different. We take Math, Science, Reading, and Writing SOL tests in 5 th grade. There are no Social Studies SOL tests for 5 th grade.
My child is new to SOL testing! Make sure to use all of the resources available to you. SOLs are an online, multiple choice test. SOL tests are Virginia’s form of accountability for the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act. VA is currently moving forward legislation to remove some tests (Science and Social Studies) and alter the other tests. If your child fails an SOL test, it does NOT mean they fail 5 th grade. It does help to determine placements in 6 th grade.
So, what’s special in 5 th grade? The Writing SOL test Timeline 2 Days of Testing The Math Test Calculator and Non-Calculator Portion 2 Days of Testing The Reading Test Other than the increased reading level, it is the same as the test students took in 4 th grade. The Science Test Includes 4 th Grade Science SOLs
The Writing SOL Test Students take the Multiple Choice SOL test first. This test focuses on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and organization of writing. It also features Technology Enhanced Items (TEI). Students take the Short Paper SOL test two days later. They will be given a prompt to respond to in an essay. Of all the SOL tests students take in elementary school, this test (the short paper) is typically the longest one.
Math and Science The Math Test is taken in two parts and students will complete it over the course of two days. Much of our tests focuses on problem solving/real-world strategies. Basically this means multi-step word problems. The Science Test includes all material covered in 4 th grade science. We review this in 5 th grade.
Technology Enhanced Items (TEI) Technology enhanced items are more than multiple choice. These can involve typing in the correct answer, selecting more than one correct answer, dragging and dropping items, selecting images, using Internet search results, etc.
What can I do to prepare my child? Go to the VDOE website and practice the items that are available, especially the TEI. your classroom teacher for additional ideas. Should my child “cram” in May? Math & Science – Yes, definitely! Reading – No, because…
Middle School & SOL Scores Middle Schools use 5 th Grade Reading and Math SOL scores to help determine class placement for 6 th grade English and Math courses. Due to the increased rigor of the math and reading tests, middle schools are looking more into teacher recommendations than they have in the past.
What if…. If your child doesn’t pass an SOL test, don’t stress yourself or your child out! While it may result in a recommendation for summer school, it does NOT mean your child fails 5 th grade. Your child will still go to middle school, and will still take 6 th grade level courses. Depending on the middle school, they may be placed in a support class.