Campaign Nonviolence Skill-Building Webinar Series Module 3 Presented by Ken Butigan, Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service and Campaign Nonviolence
Transcending violence is forged by the capacity to generate, mobilize, and build the moral imagination. Stated simply, the moral imagination requires the capacity to: imagine ourselves in a web of relationships that includes our enemies;
the ability to sustain a paradoxical curiosity that embraces complexity without reliance on dualistic polarity; the fundamental belief in and pursuit of the creative act; and the acceptance of the inherent risk of stepping into the mystery of the unknown…beyond the too familiar landscape of violence.” -- John Paul Lederach, The Moral Imagination
The CNV Skill-Building Series: Module 1: The Vision of Campaign Nonviolence and Connecting the Dots Module 2: Creating Nonviolent Social Change Module 3: Building Nonviolent Action
Module 3 Objectives Building Local CNV Nonviolent Actions Building a CNV Local Campaign Exploring Interpersonal Engagement and “Fasting from Violence”
Module 3 Agenda Opening The Challenges and Opportunities of this Webinar Creating nonviolent action Building the movement Interpersonal nonviolent engagement Fasting from violence Questions and responses Closing
Campaign Nonviolence A long-term movement to build a culture of peace free from war, poverty, the climate crisis and the epidemic of violence by mainstreaming nonviolence, connecting the issues, and taking action. Launched last fall with 250 actions in all 50 states. 196 endorsing organizations. Hundreds of organizers and promoters. National conference August 6-9. Second Week of Nonviolent Actions September
Building the Movement Strategy Messaging Outreach Media Finances Nonviolence Training Logistics
Creating Nonviolent Action Strategy: Campaign Goals, Objectives, Tactics Message Scenario Connecting the dots Logistics: props, transportation, sound, permit Nonviolence training and agreement Media Finances
CNV Nonviolence Agreement (1) War, poverty, and environmental destruction are colossal forms of violence. In seeking to end them, Campaign Nonviolence rejects the use of violence for any reason and affirms that all CNV activities will employ nonviolent tactics exclusively. For the purposes of this agreement, “violence” means behavior involving physical, verbal or emotional means intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
CNV Nonviolence Agreement (2) “Nonviolence” is a force for transformation, truth, justice, and the well-being of all that is neither violent nor passive. Concretely expressed in CNV actions, nonviolence means a commitment to: Avoid the use of violence Search for the widest possible vista on the truth pertaining to any situation, and Being willing to accept the consequences of taking action, including voluntary suffering if necessary, to contribute to bringing a conflict to a just resolution.
CNV Nonviolence Agreement (3) “Campaign Nonviolence actions will have these characteristics in common: The attitude of participants will be one of openness, friendliness, and respect towards all people encountered. Participants will use no violence, verbal or physical, towards any person, including in reaction to violence. Participants will carry no weapons.
CNV Nonviolence Agreement (4) Participants will not destroy or damage property. Participants will not bring or use drugs (except for medical purposes) or alcohol. Participants will not seek to avoid the consequences of their actions. Adapted from Oregon PeaceWorks and numerous movements for nonviolent change.
The CLARA Process Center Learn Articulate Receive Accomplish
Fasting from Violence
Some of Mohandas Gandhi’s Principles of Nonviolence (1) Seek the truth Love the enemy No cooperation with humiliation and injustice Work for the well-being of all Be fearless All life is one Difference without division
Some of Mohandas Gandhi’s Principles of Nonviolence (2) Each of us has a piece of the truth and a piece of the un-truth Resist “us” versus “them” thought and behavior Means must be consistent with the ends Human beings are more than the violence they commit
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Principles of Nonviolence Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding. Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people. Nonviolence holds that voluntary suffering can educate and transform. Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate. Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice.
The CNV Pledge I solemnly pledge to take a stand against violence and to help build a culture of active nonviolence. I will strive to: Practice nonviolence toward myself Practice nonviolence toward all others Practice nonviolence by joining the global movement to abolish war, end poverty, stop the destruction of the earth, and foster a just and peaceful world for all