The Customer Service Model
2 Symposium‘12 The SEWP Customer Experience Customer Service Staff for Helpline and Order Processing Nine Dedicated Contractor Staff with long-term experience Direct access to Four Civil Servants and 35 other contractor support staff All interactions are measured for quality and timeliness with One Business Day response as a goal 2 Contract Holder Relationship Managers (CHRMs) Daily interaction with Contract Holders Mediation, support and oversight of Customer – Contract Holder interaction Striving to Deliver Amazing!
3 Symposium‘12 Procurement Lifecycle Pre-Order Support Review Requirements when scope is uncertain Assistance on SEWP Processes including step-by-step walk through Online Quote Request Tool Order Processing Review, process and forward orders to Contract Holder -Orders must be sent to SEWP Program Management Office (PMO) by Government Agency Reconcile and track orders through completion Post-order Support Process and post order status data Assist in order resolution
4 Symposium‘12 Quote and Pricing Assistance Scope and Statement of Work (SOW) Review If any concerns about an SOW and/or scope of requirements, submit information to for review and advise If number of quotes received is less than expected, SEWP can assist in researching the cause and solution: contact If quoted price is higher than expected or otherwise questionable, contact and we will research and provide
5 Symposium‘12 Training and Outreach On-site Training on Contracts, SEWP Program, and Tools Free – that is right, the cost is $0 In-depth: 1.5 to 2 hours 2 CLPs (Continuous Learning Points) Worldwide Any size audience Contact / or see any SEWP staff Training Video Same cost as the on-site training Quick overview of main concepts 15 minutes DVD copies available
6 Symposium‘12 Frequently Asked Questions Online Knowledge Base Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 80% of current helpline questions are answered in FAQ’s -We are always happy to answer questions personally Frequently asked questions are available on SEWP website with search functionwebsite Glossary – SEWP definitions Help ticket submissions and tracking Customer Support Center Demonstration Useful for non-office hours and for do-it-yourselfers User receives confirmation of receipt with ticket number for reference FYI: Ticketing System is an example of Software as a Service purchased under the SEWP contracts
7 Symposium‘12 Customer Service Submission Confirmation
8 Symposium‘12 Order Process
9 Symposium‘12 Order Process Overview Log Order (Q-App) Order Arrives -Via / Fax / PRISM - Acknowledge Receipt - Attach Internal QC Checklist Pre-screen/ Classify - Ready? * Route Order Process Order -Assign ‘Received Status Populate Internal QC Checklist We Examine Order for Required Info: - Contract Holder - Agency * Re-check: - Req’d Information - Contract Holder - Agency - Critical Info. Check * * * Order submitted Order Processing Order Preparation Further Info. Required -Issuing Agency -ITARS # (for VA) -Training (DOD) -Fair Opportunity Form (+$5 mil) Order sent to Contract Holder (CH) CH verifies receipt
10 Symposium‘12 Order Submission Information On fax cover sheet or text area include the following: Include a Point of Contact (POC) POC will be notified of all updates related to this order If Contracting Officer (CO/KO) provides address, he/she will also be kept automatically informed of all updates Zip code of the CO/KO’s office Order Number (if credit card, provide order number to track with) Expected delivery date RFQ Number VA: Include ITARS or reason ITARs is not needed
11 Symposium‘12 Order Process Order is ed or faxed from customer to SEWP Program Office For ed orders, confirmation immediately provided to customer including a Ticket Number All orders initially reviewed and tracked Initial Tracking Number assigned (referred to as the Q Number) If initial review uncovers a problem, order is put into Problem status: Contract Holder is automatically notified Customer will receive a phone call and/or explaining the issue Problem notification occurs within one business day but typically within 3-4 hours
12 Symposium‘12 Typical Order Problems Wrong Contract Number Contract number does not match the Contract Holder’s name A GSA contract number is provided instead of a SEWP contract number Vendor is not a SEWP Contract Holder Support Service Contractor issued order but is not authorized For Veterans Affairs: there is no ITARS tracking number For Department of Defense, the signing official is not trained Order is not readable or is missing pages Order modification sent in but we cannot locate the original order
13 Symposium‘12 Scope Review Check Orders over $100,000 are reviewed by upper management to verify the order is in scope Rarely an issue Most common issue concerns services Orders over $5 Million require Fair Opportunity backup A Fair Opportunity Form Or the SEWP RFQ (Request for Quote) number
14 Symposium‘12 Order Entry Information User Delivery Date Customer’s expected delivery date, if provided Defaults to 30 days, if customer has not provided an expected date Contract Holder must either meet the date or provide an explanation and negotiate a different date Order status is set to ‘Entered’ Point of contact(s) (POC) selected Order Sequence Number (OSN) is assigned Unique number used for tracking When referring back to order for any issues or mods, it is helpful to note the OSN
15 Symposium‘12 Order Processed The following SEWP Order has been entered at the SEWP Program and forwarded to the Contract Holder CDW*G Delivery Order Number : CBCL751 Order Status : ENTERED Expected Delivery Date: MAY 13, 2011 Contract Number : NNG07DA35B / CDW*G Award Date : 03/21/11 Mod Level : 0 Control Number (OSN) : Total Amount : Surcharge Amount : 12.6 Agency Number (or ITARS) : CO Name : CO Phone : Either contact us at or call us at (301) if you have any Thank You, SEWP Staff
16 Symposium‘12 Notification Indicates order has been processed and forwarded to the Contract Holder OSN provided (Control Number) Calculated Fee listed Informational only – no changes required if fee is different on order Contract Holder must verify receipt Customer does not need to reply – Thank You’s are not needed Any questions / issues should be sent to
17 Symposium‘12 Order Evolution & Tracking SEWP Logs History of Order from Original Receipt through Shipment Order Status Can be Obtained on Website (under ‘Order Info’) For recent info on order contact Contract Holder and CC
18 Symposium‘12 Order Status - Shipped Contract Holder has shipped all products Contact Contract Holder (cc if shipment not All products requiring shipment should be fulfilled Shipped status does not imply service related items; e.g. installation, training, warranty; have been fulfilled
19 Symposium‘12 Shipped The following information concerning Order#: "742P15030" and osn: "133383" was provided by Contract Holder Rep. "Analisa Chase" of "Intelligent Decisions". Status was changed from ENTERED to SHIPPED Shipped Date was entered 03/28/11 The following Remarks were added: All product shipped.
20 Symposium‘12 Order Status – Partial and POPOnly Parital Status => Contract Holder has shipped some of the products POPOnly Status => Order does not contain any items to be shipped POP refers to Period of Performance; e.g. only service related items; e.g. installation, training, warranty; are on this order
21 Symposium‘12 Order Status - Canceled Customer has sent in a mod or to cancel order Contract Holder has denied acceptance Customer POC has been notified Order has a problem which has remained dormant for over 30 days Orders canceled in the SEWP system can be reset to Entered status through a notification from the customer
22 Symposium‘12 Order Status - Delayed Contract Holder is delaying the processing of the order until an issue is resolved Typically requires an order mod or an communication Contract Holder is not responsible for delivery fulfillment until issue is resolved Please pay attention to these s (sample on next slide) There are only a defined set of reasons for a Delayed status as listed in next set of slides
23 Symposium‘12 Delayed Status The following information concerning Order#: "657R14175" and osn: "133955" was provided by Contract Holder Rep. "Michael McCabe" of "Blue Tech, Inc.". Status was changed from ENTERED to DELAYED Delay Reason is Customer placed order based on expired quote. The following Remarks were added: Order has been placed in Delayed status indicating that BLUE_TECH is delaying acceptance and processing the order because it is based on an expired quote. Please contact the Contract Holder for an updated quote. This order stems from a request put out on 8/25/2010.
24 Symposium‘12 Reasons for Delayed Status (1 of 3) Awaiting an order modification The Delayed status should indicate the nature of the required mod Some typical mod requirements: -Customer request to wait for a mod to change some item on the order -Contract Holder information (address, name, etc) is incorrect -The item is end of life and a replacement is needed Price cannot be increased Awaiting availability of funds Contract Holder is not obligated to fulfill and order if the order indicates that funds are not yet available Often resolved through a simple mod or confirmation
25 Symposium‘12 Reasons for Delayed Status (2 of 3) Award date needs to be updated because SEWP Quote tool not used Items on the quote were not on the SEWP Contract at time of award Use of the SEWP Quote tool prevents this from occurring Contract Holder needs credit card information Contact the Contract Holder Do not or provide SEWP Program Office with credit card number Customer included unacceptable Terms and Conditions (Ts and Cs) Additional Ts and Cs must be mutually agreeable
26 Symposium‘12 Reasons for Delayed Status (3 of 3) Customer placed order based on expired quote Most quotes valid for 30 days Order did not match the quote Order resulted from Market Research Market Research based quotes are unverified and therefore cannot be used to place an order
27 Symposium‘12 Assistance With Order Issues Contact Contract Holder Program Manager List of contacts under “Contract Holders” menu at Cc on all SEWP Program Office provides advice, recommendations, problem resolution and tracking of issues
28 Symposium‘12 Contract Holder Relationship Manager 2 Full-time staff serve as CHRMs (Contract Holder Relationship Managers) Liaison between SEWP Program Management Office (PMO), Contract Holders (CH), Industry, and Users Daily if not hourly interactions between CHRMs and Contract Holders Annual one-on-one meetings with each Contract Holder -Discuss past issues -Promote good communication Quarterly Program Manager Meetings Assist Government Customers with Issue Resolution Provides mediation, research, recommendations, and/or a sympathetic ear Objective is to provide a balanced perspective
29 Symposium‘12 CHRMing Activities Industry Events Semi-annual Industry Forums -Please encourage any company you work with who wants to know more about SEWP to attend one of these events (send to Sales Training -Sales forces at all Contract Holders are required to be trained on SEWP Contracts Manufacturer Training Track Program Performance Assist in review and approval of product catalog updates: Technology Refreshments (TR) Statement of Work and Scope Reviews Oversight of Contract Holder Only Page (CHOP) Web site used to provide Contract Holders with a suite of tools Manage the Contract Holder Reports
30 Symposium‘12 Contract Holder Reports SEWP provides Contract Holders with an array of periodical reports Contract Holder is fully informed of all SEWP-related activities, actions, and issues in a timely fashion Agency and Contract Holder Total Usage – Monthly Delivery Order and Quote Request Summary – Weekly Pending Quote Requests – Daily Orders With Upcoming or Overdue Delivery Times – Daily Order Receipt and Order Summary Issue Report - Daily
31 Symposium‘12 SEWP Notification Recipients ReportCustomerSEWP PMO Contract Holder Approved Manufacturer Order Changes RFQ/RFI Order Quarantine Order Processed Delivery Date Change Order Acknowledgement by CH Delayed Acceptance of Order Order Shipped Order Overdue for Delivery Technology Refresh
32 Symposium‘12 Program Performance Categories (1 of 2) Reporting Category Timeliness Accuracy Surcharge Payments Customer Satisfaction Response to Customer Complaints Quality of Products and Services Information Distribution Correct Information -Website -Marketing Materials -Quotes Follow Customer Contact Guidelines
33 Symposium‘12 Program Performance Categories (2 of 2) Delivery Category Orders Delivered by Expected Delivery Date CH Follows SEWP Procedure for Delivery Delays -CHOP Used to Update Order Status -Customer Properly Notified Contract Adherence Category Quote in Accordance with SEWP Rules -All Quoted Items on contract -All Quoted Items included in Verification File -Quote Submitted Through SEWP Quote Interface Attend Required Meetings Follow SEWP Delivery Order Policy Reporting Accuracy
34 Symposium‘12 Program Performance Ratings Ratings are based on 4 levels Blue = Excellent Green = Very Good Yellow = Fair Red = Poor In general, multiple problems in a given area within a 3 month window causes a downgrade After a downgrade, 3 months without any issues results in an upgrade
35 Symposium‘12 Program Performance Page
36 Symposium‘12 Program Performance What it Means Program Performance does not constitute the official Past Performance ratings based on FAR Part Customer SatisfactionFAR Part Annual past performance ratings may be obtained upon request Goal is to have everyone rated Excellent Contract Holders were awarded a contract in part based on evaluation of program level capabilities Best use of the Program Performance ratings is to encourage Contract Holders to resolve issues quickly and with minimum delay SEWP Program Office would rather have a satisfied customer than a downgraded Contract Holder
37 Symposium‘12 Program Performance What a Low Rating Means If a rating is Good or Poor: Check the category: Reporting and Information Distribution are unlikely to affect an individual order performance as these tend to be Program level issues; Contract Adherence issues may be Customer related – typically related to Quoting or Program level issues Delivery and Customer Satisfaction may indicate an issue with past order fulfillment Contact the SEWP Program Office, especially for Poor Ratings in Delivery and/or Customer Satisfaction Program Office can provide more details on the meaning of the rating Future version of the Quote tool will flag Contract Holders with low program performance ratings
38 Symposium‘12 Program Performance What You Can Do to Help Send information about any Contract Holder issues to CC: on any correspondence with Contract Holder concerning an If we do not know about the problem, we cannot assist If we do not know about a problem, we cannot prevent it from happening again
39 Symposium‘12 Contact Us Helpline: Mon–Fri, 7:30 AM–6:00 PM ET Fiscal Year End Hours are Extended. Watch SEWP Website for exact details. Always open till midnight on September 30th Fax orders to: orders & modifications to: for Assistance : Always CC SEWP when corresponding with Contract Holder regarding any issues Live Chat