Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 1/11 Network Technologies Lab Sunday Exercises
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 2/11 exercise 1 ping command äUse ping command äWindows 95 –msdos prompt: ping target-address –Windows 95 application PC1 d:\win95\ äDebian Linux –use man command to get the parameters of ping command äCisco router (look to the exercise no. 6 and 10) –ping command
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 3/11 exercise 2 traceroute command äUse traceroute command äWindows 95 –msdos prompt: tracert target-address –Windows 95 application PC1 d:\win95\ äDebian Linux –use man command to get the parameters of traceroute command äCisco router (look to the exercise no. 6 and 10) –trace command
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 4/11 exercise 3 initial configuration äserial connection from PC to cisco router console port % minicom /dev/ttyS0 äpower on router, watch the loading messages äinitial config dialog äconfigure e0 for row ethernet and leave other interfaces unconfigured äip routing yes; but “no” to all routing protocols (especially RIP!)
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 5/11 exercise 4 configure ethernet interface ätelnet to the router from one of the 1E PCs in the row. router>enable router#conf t router(config)#int e0 router(config-if)#ip addr xx router(config-if)#no shut router(config-if)#^z router#sho ip int br
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 6/11 exercise 5 (1/2) configure static routes äconfigure the router with the same static routes to create static routes, use the “ ip route ” command: ip route net-prefix netmask nexthop äe.g.: router#conf t router(config)#ip route
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 7/11 exercise 5 (2/2) configure static routes änow add a static default route äthe default route is represented by net prefix and netmask , e.g. ip route xx äuse ping and traceroute to test router# ping target-ip-addr router# trace target-ip-addr
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 8/11 exercise 7 (1/2) configure passwords äthere are (at least) 6 passwords to be set: console login password, 4 vty passwords, and the enable password äset the console password router(config)#line con 0 router(config-line)#password mysecret äset the vty passwords router(config-line)#line vty 0 4 router(config-line)#password mysecret router(config-line)#exit äset the enable password router(config)#enable password mysecret router(config)#^Z
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 9/11 exercise 7 (2/2) configure passwords äexamine the config, note that the passwords are in plaintext show running... enable password mysecret... line con 0 password mysecret... line vty 0 4 password mysecret login äencrypt the passwords, then examine the config again router(config)#service password-encryption router(config)#^Z router#sho run
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 10/11 exercise 8 configure syslogging äconfigure syslogging on the PC: äedit /etc/syslog.conf, add this line local0.debug /var/log/cisco ädaemon syslogd to re-read its configuration file using ps and kill comands äconfigure the router to do syslogging: router(config)#logging buffered router(config)# logging facility local0 router(config)# logging äsome things that cause log messages: äshutting down or bringing up an interface, any configuration change, any debug command
Network technologies lab, Sunday, 24 August ´97 CEENet 97 / track 1 11/11 exercise 9 configure DNS resolver äconfigure cisco router äuse ip name-server command äuse ip domain-name comand äuse ip domain-list command äuse administrative cisco commands router#ping router#trace äuse other commands: router# telnet