Target Market Sales Person for Company: Prominent companies with a target market similar to Toowinty’s readers. Companies with exquisite branding and already have a huge buzz. Ethically Diverse Readers: Young, hip singles that are of the lower, middle, and higher class tune into Toowinty. A life stage group of twenty-somethings to 30- somethings with a number of 721,3320 US Households Still renting apartments in cities or close-in suburbs. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Mix. The median house hold income for readers of Toowinty is $56,676
Leading media company for the social age, intensely focused on delivering high-quality original reporting, insight, and viral content across a rapidly expanding array of subject areas. The Huffington Post has over 50 sections in the U.S. alone, covering politics, business, entertainment, environment, technology, media, lifestyle, culture, comedy, healthy living, women's interest, local news and so much more. Long running company with great reputation. Competitors
SWOT Product Quality Lack of marketing expertise Easily accessible online Customer base is always altering Strong, Creative leadership Not innovative Advertising in social media has become an essential element Limited funding Site is rapidly growing Weak brand awareness Attracts both men and women Operates in a very competitive environment which contains several big brands Original work that is focused on trending topics that people want to read Lacks strong worldwide service and support channels Use of trending topics through social media attracts more views to website Competitors offer vast amount of subject, larger library of articles
Toowinty looks to work with any company that wants to get a buzz started and want their product to be a trending factor. The site makes custom content that is engaging, displays online banner ads throughout the site. Custom articles are styled to appear and fit in with all the other content, consumers will unknowingly be reading an ad and be influenced by it without ever even noticing. The procedure of custom content is called “discreet advertising.” Click through advertisements will also be an option for companies and Google Ads will also be used.
discreet advertisingonline banner, click through advertisementsGoogle Ads While Toowinty is free to read, money is made through a procedure called “discreet advertising,” as well as online banner, click through advertisements, and Google Ads. Discreet advertising is a new tactic being used where custom content aimed at that customer’s client base is written. The idea of discreet advertising is taken from popular social media users being paid to promote certain products on their pages therefore affecting their users to purchase the product. The articles are styled to appear and fit in with all the other content and consumers will read an ad and be influenced by it without ever even noticing.
Toowinty offers original content, insight, enticing article titles, and relevant subject matters. Toowinty aims to be a more relatable, convenient, and a user friendly site that readers can refer to daily for quick news. Our content is both informing and engaging.