Martin Maurs And Szymon Szulc Oak Tree Ecosystem Martin Maurs And Szymon Szulc
Interesting Facts The oak tree can live for hundreds of years. An oak tree can grow to 40 metres. Oak trees do not produce seed until it is 35 years old.
Acorns The seed of the oak is an acorn. Each tree will produce over 50,000 acorns but only 1 or 2 will grow into oak trees.
Ecosystem Many animals, plants, insects and fungi depend on the oak.
Deciduous The oak is a deciduous hard wood tree. It loses its leave every Autumn.
Dair The Irish word for tree is Dair. Several Irish cities are named after Dair like Doire (Derry) Cill Dara (Kildare)
Types Of Oak There are many types of oaks such as English oak, Cork oak and White oak.
Oak Tree Grows Oak trees need: water (ground) minerals (ground) sugar (ground) sunlight (sun) carbon dioxide (air)
Roots The oak roots spread for many metres underground. Their main task is to gather water and minerals. Many minerals come from the dead leaves.
Oak Leaf The oak leaf is one of the easiest to recognise. It has a serrated edge.
Photosynthesis The oak leaf is a factory which turn water, minerals and carbon dioxide into sugar to feed the tree. This happens once the sun is warm enough. The leaf must have green chlorophyll for this to work.
Ecosystem The oak tree supports insects: beetles, ladybird, wasps and ants.
Ecosystem The oak tree supports many birds who eat the insects and nests in the tree. Owl, Sparrow and Hawk.
Ecosystem The oak tree supports small animals such as wood mouse, hedgehog and mouse.
Ecosystem The oak tree supports larger animals like the squirrel, badger and fox.
Ecosystem Lichen grow at the oak tree. Lichen is a living fungi. The fungi helps rot the dead leaves.
Ecosystem Insects build homes on the tree. Animals shelter in the tree and eat insects. Animals and insects eat the fruit, the bark and the leaves. Birds eat the insects. Birds build nests.
Ecosystem Wild flowers grow near the trees such as cowslips, primroses and daffodils.
Ecosystem The leaves provide a wonderful place for insects to lay their eggs. Such as the butterfly.
Ecosystem The two types of squirrel ( red squirrel & gray squirrel ) use the trees to build their homes (drey). They eat and store thousands of acorns.
Ecosystem The fox uses the tree to catch other smaller animals.
Man We use the oak to build ships, furniture and pot handles.