Taking Notes on Plato
Date - Unit 1 Integers 1 Objectives: 1. define integers and graph them on a number line 2. compare the values of opposite, positive, and negative integers on a number line 3. define and find absolute value 4. identify parts of a coordinate plane 5. define and graph ordered pairs Write down the objectives of every lesson.
Read the lesson Introduction. Is there any information that can help you solve this type of problem or better understand the information in the lesson? Yes – write it down No – read it and move on
Integers on a Number Line – 1. Counting Numbers: 1, 2, 3, Whole Numbers: 0, 1, 2, Integers:...-2, -1, 0, 1, Counting numbers are the set of whole numbers beginning with the number one (1) and continuing to infinity. Whole numbers are all of the counting numbers and zero. Integers are whole numbers and their negative opposites, including zero.
5. Positive integers are greater than zero, or those numbers that are to the right of the zero on a number line. 6. Negative integers are less than zero, or those that are to the left of the zero on a number line. 7. The values on a number line increase from left to right. The integer farthest to the left has the lowest value, while the integer farthest to the right has the highest value. 8. The distance between integers can also be considered to be the difference between them.
Example 1: What is the difference between -2 and 13? First, draw a number line. Then, graph the numbers - 2 and 13 using points. Count the spaces in between the two numbers. Since there are 15 units of space in between -2 and 13, the difference between the numbers is 15.
9. Negative integers are always written with the negative sign. 10. Opposite integers on a number line are two numbers that are the same distance away from zero, but in different directions. Example: Graph 4 and its opposite on a number line. Start at 0 and count 4 spaces to the right. Place a point here for 4.
Absolute Value 1. Absolute value is the value of a number regardless of its sign. Absolute value tells the distance, in units, of any integer from zero. Since distance is always positive (you cannot travel negative miles, for example) absolute value is always positive. Keep writing at least one example of the information given and any other key terms/concepts that will help you on a test/quiz.