Political Parties
In the Constitution… Find the explanation of how political parties must form Outline the steps it takes to form a party
Oops! There is NO MENTION of political parties Founding Fathers were against them Georgie warned of competition in farewell address
American Political Parties… What’s the Purpose 1. bring people together to achieve control of the government 2. develop policies favorable to their interests or to the groups that support them 3. organize…persuade voters to elect their candidates to office 4. represent their constituents 5. attempt to put philosophy into practice through legislation
Party Systems one-party system the party captures control of the government and does not allow other parties to form; most one-party systems allow elections, but they are not competitive because only that party’s candidates appear on the ballot--China, Iran,N. Korea two-party system where two major political parties compete for control of the government; different parties might control local, state, and national government--US multiparty system many parties compete for control over the legislative branch of government (the head of the government is the leader of one of the major parties in the legislature); these systems usually arise in countries with a strong parliamentary system-- Germany, Italy, France, Israel, Japan
Political Parties Republican Conservative ideology ‘Small’ Government ‘Low’ taxes Platform Platform 2012PC: Mitt Romney Democrat Liberal ideology ‘Big’ Government ‘High’ Taxes Platform Platform 2012PC: Barack Obama
Political Ideologies Liberalism An ideology favoring an active role for government in efforts to solve society’s problems Conservatism An ideology favoring a limited role for government and more private initiative by non governmental groups in efforts to solve society’s problems
Party Association & Definition Changes Over Time…why might that be?
Generally speaking… …Republicans hold more conservative views, and Democrats more liberal views. Why Third Parties Then? People frustrated with the 2 party system form 3 rd parties to express their opinions in constructive ways!!! (yay Democracy!!!) sooooo…do they ever have an impact??
The Role of Minor Parties A third party or minor party is any party other than the two major parties. Their common thread is that they believe that neither party is meeting certain needs. A third party runs a candidate to propose a remedy to the situation and/or to draw attention to their specific issue(s) or ideology. single-issue party focuses exclusively on one major economic, social, or moral issue ex: Prohibition Party, Women’s Suffrage Party, Right to Life Party ideological party focuses on overall change in society rather than on one single issue ex: Communist Party, Socialist Party, Libertarian Party splinter party splits away from one of the two major parties because of some disagreement ex: Green Party
*Electoral vote = 1 vote per rep. & senator in each state to vote for President
A Couple Key Third Parties… Skim through the platform excerpts from the Libertarian Party and the Green Party Do you associate any of your beliefs with their ideals?