Political Parties
Gallery Walk 1 – What are the two main parties in the US? 2 – What is it called when someone is not part of a political party? They are __________. 3 – Who was the only president who did not belong to a political party? 4 – What animals represent republicans and democrats? 5 – What is the name for the party that focuses on environmental issues? 6 – Enjoy the political cartoons depicting donkeys and elephants as our political parties.
Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are republicans. 0d-800wi
Democrats President Obama and Vice President Biden are democrats. content/uploads/2012/10/obama- biden08small1.jpg
The website says… Democratic website: “Democrats believe that we’re greater together than we are on our own.” Republican website: “We believe in the power and opportunity of America’s free-market economy.”
Size of Government Democrats believe that the national government can do many things for people who need it. Republicans believe that the government should not do for you what you can do for yourself.
Personal Life Democrats believe that the government should not be involved in your personal life. Republicans believe that the government has an obligation to uphold family values in America. ephantdonkeyjo1.jpg
Defending Our Country Republicans believe that defense spending is a very high priority. Democrats believe that defense spending is important, but not most important. oads/Military-Spending.gif
School Choice Republicans generally believe in school vouchers. If schools are run like businesses, the competition for students will help them to be better. Democrats generally believe that students should go to the schools in their neighborhood. Our focus as a country should be on making our public schools the best they can be /wpnan gif
Health Care Democrats generally believe that health care is a right and that all individuals deserve good health care, regardless of their ability to pay. Republicans generally think that health care is a personal responsibility. They also believe that individuals should be able to pay more for better health care. n_healthcare_reform_small_over.jpg
1 – Which political party is most likely to support making a law to restrict the amount of pollution that a business can create? 2 – Which political party is most likely to say that the government should keep marriage only be between a man and a woman? 3 – Which political party is most likely to approve a spending increase for the purchase of new aircraft for our military? 4 – Which political party is most likely to support spending tax dollars to increase the amount paid out to the unemployed? 5 – Which political party is most likely to allow parents to choose which school to send their child to?