Key issues in open and distance learning Will Swann Director, Students, The Open University, UK President, European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
The Open University Founded in 1969 Over 200,000 students Nearly 7,000 part time tutors 1,200 academic staff More than 3,500 administrative and support staff
Key issues Scale Access Cost Open-ness Student-centredness Quality based on outcomes Technology enables and liberates people … but it’s just a tool
Open University students 4 Aged from 12 to over 90 with an average of 32 70% work and study 44 per cent without standard HE entry qualifications 18% live in the UK’s 20% poorest areas 12,000 students with disabilities
Where the students are Student headcount, 2009/10 167,000 15,700 8,400 4,200 8,800 6,300
Mia 6 David
What do you like about the OU? 9
Socio-economic profile New UK undergraduates, by IMD quintile
Age profile New UK undergraduates, /002004/052009/10 Under 213.7%5.2%6.5% %14.0%14.3% %70.6%68.7% 50 and over10.3%10.2%10.5%
What makes for successful teaching? 12 Learning materials Student support Business systems and processes
Annual volumes 1.25 million telephone calls 580,000 s 240,000 registrations (33% online) 500 courses and 200 qualifications 800,000 student assignments 125,000 examinations 87,000 end-of-course assessments 33,000 qualifications awarded
14 Learning to learn at a distance
15 Structure and organisation
16 Support from real people
17 Supporting tutors
18 Information and support online … and offline
19 Managing relationships with students
RankUniversity Percent satisfied/very satisfied with overall quality of course 1Open University93% 2Buckingham92% 3Cambridge92% 4Oxford92% 5Bath91% 6Exeter91% 7Heriot Watt91% 8Keele91% 9Kent91% 10Lancaster91% UK government National Student Survey, 2012