Westdale S.S. Applying for Scholarships
SOURCES OF SCHOLARSHIPS OUAC OUAC OCAS OCAS Parents’ employers Parents’ employers Heritage groups Heritage groups Where you work, play sports, volunteer Where you work, play sports, volunteer
Scholarships Automatic Entrance Scholarships no application required based on your admission average Scholarships requiring application
OUAC Resource
OCAS Resource ntcol/home/confirm/mone y-matters/scholarships- and-awards.html ntcol/home/confirm/mone y-matters/scholarships- and-awards.html ntcol/home/confirm/mone y-matters/scholarships- and-awards.html ntcol/home/confirm/mone y-matters/scholarships- and-awards.html
Data Base com com
Match your profile to Data base Where you live Where you live Ethnic background Ethnic background Sports Sports Extra-Curricular acitvities Extra-Curricular acitvities Volunteer work Volunteer work
Who gets Scholarships? Academic Achievement Academic Achievement Originality Originality Leadership Leadership Community Service Community Service Talent Talent Identity Identity
Scholarship Applications Applications may require: Transcripts – Mrs. Harvey -24 hours please Transcripts – Mrs. Harvey -24 hours please Letter from student on future plans Letter from student on future plans Essays on various topics Essays on various topics Letters of recommendation Letters of recommendation School Nomination School Nomination
Scholarship Applications Research the award Research the award Be clear and concise Be clear and concise Follow instructions Follow instructions Check spelling and grammar Check spelling and grammar Application must be perfect! Application must be perfect! Ask your English teacher for help Ask your English teacher for help
Scholarship Applications Not A Resume! Not A Resume! BE ORIGINAL! You want the judge to remember you! BE ORIGINAL! You want the judge to remember you! Write about something that will make you stand out! Write about something that will make you stand out!
Sample Essay Questions Describe a time you challenged yourself by taking on a task/project you felt was beyond your scope and capability. Why did you do it? What happened? Describe a time you challenged yourself by taking on a task/project you felt was beyond your scope and capability. Why did you do it? What happened? Describe an activity where you led a group of people towards a common goal. How did you engage others? What difficulties did you encounter? What were the outcomes? Describe an activity where you led a group of people towards a common goal. How did you engage others? What difficulties did you encounter? What were the outcomes?
Sample Essay Questions Describe a time when you took the initiative to address an unmet need at school or in the community. Describe a time when you took the initiative to address an unmet need at school or in the community. Drawing from your personal experiences, tell us what leadership means to you. Describe an experience where you called upon your qualities of leadership explaining what attributes you contributed. What did you learn from this experience? Drawing from your personal experiences, tell us what leadership means to you. Describe an experience where you called upon your qualities of leadership explaining what attributes you contributed. What did you learn from this experience?
Reference Letters All reference letters must be specific to that particular scholarship. Do no use generic reference letters. All reference letters must be specific to that particular scholarship. Do no use generic reference letters. Choose someone who knows you really well and can comment on your strengths and abilities Choose someone who knows you really well and can comment on your strengths and abilities
Reference Letters For a highly academic award your reference letter should detail your abilities and talents in a learning environment! Give the letter writer lots of advance notice
Reference Letters Provide a copy of the scholarship application to the person writing the reference. Make sure they know what needs to be emphasized in the letter.
Scholarship Sign Up Sign up in Student Services as announced for: Sign up in Student Services as announced for: 1. Scholarships where school can only nominate one or two students 1. Scholarships where school can only nominate one or two students 2. Scholarships requiring principal’s 2. Scholarships requiring principal’s recommendation. Mr. Clark is principal’s representative. recommendation. Mr. Clark is principal’s representative.
Westdale Scholarship list tudentservices/scholarships tudentservices/scholarships tudentservices/scholarships tudentservices/scholarships Click on each link to find the application. Click on each link to find the application.
Scholarships due early in the Fall! Loran Awards Loran Awards University of Toronto University of Toronto Queen’s university Queen’s university T.D. Canada Trust T.D. Canada Trust Check the list on our website! Check the list on our website!
October! Loran Awards, minimum 85%, well rounded, demonstrated character, leadership and community service Loran Awards, minimum 85%, well rounded, demonstrated character, leadership and community service Sponsored applicants: Sponsored applicants: sponsor 3 per school, online application due Oct. 15/14 sponsor 3 per school, online application due Oct. 15/14 Direct applicants due Oct. 29/14 Direct applicants due Oct. 29/14
November University of Toronto National Scholarship University of Toronto National Scholarship For exceptional achievement For exceptional achievement Minimum admission average 90% Minimum admission average 90% Due Nov. 1st/14 Due Nov. 1st/14
Scholarship for Westdale student Queen’s University Major Scholarships: Queen’s University Major Scholarships: Melvin R. Goodes for Westdale Melvin R. Goodes for Westdale financial need, academic excellence, and demonstrated leadership qualities financial need, academic excellence, and demonstrated leadership qualities Applications due to Mr. Clark By Nov. 17/14 Applications due to Mr. Clark By Nov. 17/14 Must apply to Queen’s by Dec.1
Scholarship due soon! T.D. Canada Trust for Community Leadership T.D. Canada Trust for Community Leadership outstanding and consistent concerns for the improvement of your community outstanding and consistent concerns for the improvement of your community environmental cleanup, the promotion of social justice, and the fight against child poverty, to name just a few. environmental cleanup, the promotion of social justice, and the fight against child poverty, to name just a few. Apply direct by Dec. 6/13 Apply direct by Dec. 6/13
Athletic Scholarships Need proof of exceptional ability in your sport. Need proof of exceptional ability in your sport. Prepare a sports profile for university coaches; a comprehensive outline of your personal and team accomplishments Prepare a sports profile for university coaches; a comprehensive outline of your personal and team accomplishments Ontario universities can/may offer up to $3,500. for athletic scholarship. Ontario universities can/may offer up to $3,500. for athletic scholarship.
Athletic Scholarships American Universities can offer any amount up to a full scholarship. American Universities can offer any amount up to a full scholarship. Athletes in the USA must write the SAT or ACT Athletes in the USA must write the SAT or ACT Athletes in the USA must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center Athletes in the USA must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center