The U.S. Constitution
Process This assignment is to help you learn about the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As citizen of the United States, it is our responsibility to be educated and informed to keep our country strong. You will be creating a Power Point on the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Constitutional Principles The Constitution is based on fundamental principles or ideas. It is important the you understand the meaning of each principle. Popular Sovereignty is: Limited government is: Separation of Power is: Checks and Balances is: Judicial review is: Federalism is:
Three Branches of Government Review the Three Branches of Government to help you answer questions.
Read about the Preamble What is the purpose of the Preamble?
The Articles Learn about the Articles of the Constitution. Article 1 sets up the _____Branch. The most important job of Congress it to _________. Research the process of Congress. What is their most important job? Draw a diagram showing the steps of this important job.
House of Representatives: 1. The term of service is___. 2. A Representative must be at least ___ years old. 3. A citizen of the ___ for at least ___. 4. Out Representative for Scioto County (73 district) is ___. 5 Find our Representative’s name. Click on “Issues and Legislation.” Identify two issues that our Representative is currently working on. Describe his/her position on each one A. _____________ B. _____________
House of Representatives con’t 6. There are ___total Representatives in the United States. 7. The number of Representatives is decided by ___. The current number of Representatives in Columbus, Ohio is___.
Senate The term of service is___. A senator must be at least ___ years od and a citizen of the U.S. for at least ___ years. Our Ohio State Senators are: Choose one Senator from Columbus, Ohio. Locate their website. Identify two issues that this Senator is involved in and explain his/her position on that issue. A. ___________ B. ___________ There are ___ total Senators in the United States.
Article II Article II sets up the ___ Branch. 1. What are the requirements for a person to run for President? 2. List the jobs and duties of the President. 3. What are the next three positions in line if the President cannot serve out his/her term? 4. The Electoral College elects the President. Read about the Electoral College. List four facts that help you understand how the electoral College works. 5. List the Departments in the President’s cabinet. 6. Write three facts about each department’s role in the Executive Branch
Article III Article III sets up the ___ Branch. The judicial power of the United states is given to one ___. Court and ___ (lower) courts that Congress has established. 2. ___ appoints Supreme court Justices, but ___ must approve all choices. A Supreme court Justice serves for ___. There are ___Justices. List the members of the Supreme Court. Choose two members. Write down three facts about each member’s career (NOT PERSONAL FACTS).
Draw a diagram or chart chowing how the Constitution can be AMENDED. Articles Cont’d Article IV describes relations among the ___. Article V describes how to ___ the Constitution. Draw a diagram or chart chowing how the Constitution can be AMENDED.
Articles Cont’d Article VI states that the ___ government, NOT state governments, is SUPREME. Article VII states that ___ out of the thirteen original states had to ___ the Constitution for it to go into effect.
List Amendments 1-10 to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is the first ___ to the U.S. Constitution. List Amendments 1-10 to the Constitution.
You have 1 week to complete this power point assignment. The U.S. Constitution You have 1 week to complete this power point assignment.