1 Client/Server Database Tutorial
SQL Server Connection through MS Access FACBUSAD1 SQL server MS Access MGD B106 Computer or your own PC Remote SQL server connection Through ODBC System DSN User authentication using your user name and password Export / Link Backup accdb file on disk Save Your SQL Database created by DBA You can create your own database On Access
SQL Server Connection through MS Access Empty database created by DBA on SQL server site At client site, create ODBC System DSN for SQL server connection Design Access database at client site Export tables from Access client to SQL server Dynamic link Access to ODBC SQL server database
DBA creates your database on SQL server site FACBUSAD1 Server: (facbusad1.mcmaster.ca) Assume your box name is johndoe and your student ID is Database Name in SQL Server of FACBUSAD1: johndoe ( box name) Database Login ID: johndoe ( box name) Database Log Password: (Student ID) Data Source Name (DSN): ODBCjohndoe (ODBC + box name)
Creating ODBC Connections via Windows Control Panel Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) ODBC setting is installed in the computer. When you change to another computer, you have to set it up again or copy file
Creating DSN File DSNSystem DSN
Specify SQL driver
Save Data Source File Location (if File DSN)
Create DSN for SQL server connection
Specify your Login ID ( your mac name ) and password ( your student ID# )
Specify TCP/IP connection to facbusad1.mcmaster.ca
Specify default database
Perform translation for character data
Finish DSN File DSNSystem DSN
Export and Link ODBC Create a access database Export it to your SQL server Link SQL server database to your Access db Manipulate SQL server database from Access db
SQL Server Upsizing Access 2007 has feature called SQL Server Upsizing Wizard Allows exporting and linking of all tables to SQL Server Allows triggers to keep autonumber fields functioning, and maintains relationships between tables
Export Access table to SQL server
Select ODBC Data Source File DSNSystem DSN Save your File DSN in your Q drive so you can use it anywhere
Login SQL server using your mac name and your student ID #
Select Tables and Settings for Export
Link Tables
Complete ODBC Link
Other ways to Create SQL Tables Export a table to ODBC Database Export all tables to ODBC Database Both have same import method
Export Access 2007 Tables
Select Table Name
Other ways to Link SQL Tables Open ODBC Database instead of Access db Import ODBC Database Both have same import method
Open ODBC Database
Import ODBC Data Source
Select Link Tables
Specify keys
Complete ODBC Link
Managing database on SQL server Using linked tables you can update data stored on SQL server using MicroSoft Access You can also design and run forms and reports on Access However, you cannot drop tables on SQL server through Access
MicroSoft SQL Server SQL Server registration local and remote servers SQL Server security control Windows NT authentication SQL user authentication Restore and Backup Import and export
SQL Client/Server Connection FACBUSAD1 SQL server Local SQL server MGD B106 Computer or your own PC Remote SQL server registration User authentication using your user name and password Local SQL server registration Import/export Backup disk Backup / restore Your database created by DBA You create your own database
SQL server registration
Find your database on server
Import and Backup
Restore database
Restore database from backup disk
Specify source
Specify destination
Check table definition
Suggested Flower Store Tables for Assignment 3 Customers (Customer_Name, Password, Address, Phone_Number) Products (Product_Code, Product_Name, Unit_Price) Orders (Order_Number, Customer_Name, Order_Date, Recipient_Name, Recipient_Address, Creadit_Type, Creadit_No, Expire_Date ) Orderln (Order_Number, Product_Code, Quantity) Usage (Product_Code, Occasion)